Thursday, December 25, 2014

Top Ten of 2014: Best Book Boyfriends of 2014

We are SUPER excited to look back on 2014 with the ladies from Reading YA RocksTwo Chicks on BooksMagical Urban Fantasy Reads, and Tales of a Ravenous Reader. They've put together a blog hop of sorts, looking back on the books we read in 2014 and looking forward to the ones we'll read in 2015. They've got some fun topics lined up, but today's is the BEST BOOK BOYFRIENDS OF 2014. (You can check out the full week's line-up here.)

Jen's Picks:

All of them. Every single one of them is mine. =)

Okay, not, here are my top ten:

Honorable mentions: Tarver and Flynn from This Shattered World, Morpheus from Unhinged, Malachi from Chaos (Guards of the Shadowlands series), and Ronan from Blue Lily, Lily Blue.

April's Picks:
So many of these book boys stole my heart. <3 Looking forward to having my heart stolen by many more this year. :)

Have you met any of our picks yet? Are you participating in this look back on 2014? If so, share a link and we'll stop by to check out your picks, too!


  1. Adrian and Sydney 4-ever! I will cry when that series ends. Love them so much. And Roger, of Amy and Roger fame, was too adorable.

  2. I completely agree with Adrian (Sydrian *hugs the books*),Warner & Raffe. I haven't read a lot of these but I heard so much about most of the boys. Also Rowan *sends hearts*

  3. Eeeep you both have great ones! Raffe, Rafe, Wesley, Adrian and Chaol would all be on my list too! I need to meet some of these other hotties still :D

  4. Sean and Roger, yes yes yes! Those are the only ones I have read. But they sure are swoonworthy.

    Jen, you can keep them all to yourself until I happen to read those books and like them. Then bwahahaha I will steal them from under your very nose. :p

    Here's my list -

  5. Ignifiex is a good one! I forgot about him. But I guess I also technically read his book last year so I can't include him. April included a lot of boys I enjoyed like Warner, Adrian, Joe, Roger, and Sean.

    Best Book Boyfriends of 2014
