Monday, November 10, 2014

When You Just Can't Get Into Anything!

Once upon a time, this was me. 

I blew through books. I couldn't put them down. I would have at least 3 going at one time. Now when I pick up a book....

This is why I have no review for you all on Monday... again. Thankfully Jen has saved my ass a few times and posted one of her own, but this week she's in the same boat as me. lol. 

I feel like such a blogger/reading failure. But for now I'm focusing on the just the reading. Jen and I have a great discussion about blogging coming to you Friday. 

Ahhh but the books! Am I the only one feeling this? Right now I can't seem to get into anything. I start a book and I'm, "meh".. I start another and... "meh" again. 

I suck.

I'm not sure if its the YA genre or just because I'm burned out on everything. I read an adult romance book last week and went through it pretty quickly. So I'm reading the sequel this week in hopes to continue the trend. 

Right now I'm not going to worry about it though, I'm off to watch the Walking Dead. I will leave you all with this gem. Sorry it's graphic but I still can't stop laughing. 

Please let me know if any of you are having this reading problem so I can feel better about myself and not all alone! lol.


  1. This seems to be the problem with a few bloggers lately. I know two bloggers on Twitter were talking about i this problem, I just posted on another blog about reading slumps, and I know I've felt this way. Maybe it's the book blogger's cold. :) A cold that makes you unable to finish or read any books. Lol. That would be terrible. Best of luck to you both, I missed a few review days because I hadn't finished reading a book.


    1. lol, yes a bloggers cold. Possibly an epidemic. Maybe it's just something in the air. :) Glad I'm not alone. :)

  2. I agree with the above commenter. ^^^ I'm seeing this a lot around the blogosphere?! Maybe you guys need a break! And I guess it's fair to realise that tastes and interests might change and maybe you don't have to blog about YA books forever?? For me...I still get a terrific thrill at every book and I just want to read more and more. But burnout is a real thing. *nods* TAKE A BREAK! No shame! I hope you enjoy whipping your hair back and forth while you watch Walking Dead. ;-)

    1. ya know, Cait. You may be on to something. I don't think Jen is having quite as much trouble as I am, but I know she's tired. Mixing real life and blogging can be tough sometimes.

      and I was totally whipping my hair, the whole episode. lol

  3. I feel the exact same way! I feel like I'm DNFing everything...

    1. Maybe it's the books! I blame the books. It's probably 50 percent me, but I feel so many stories are just running into each other too. There are only so many variations of a story I can read before I get tired of it. :)

  4. I know how you feel. I've been reading a lot, but now I just feel like nothing's good enough to read, or I take days to read a book I would normally read in 3 hours tops. And I cannot find it in me to blog unless it's for a blog tour :/ I'm just so tired...what's happening to us bloggers?? I don't know how and when to get out of this -_-

    1. You are speaking to my heart woman! I think we have all been blogging for so long that it's just wearing us down. I've been taking days to read books too! I'm lucky if I read one a week. I feel bad but at the same time I think... " why should I feel bad?" I should read when I want to and right now I just don't. *sigh* #bloggerstruggles

  5. Audio has been my saving grace. It's taking me at least a week -- usually more -- to even get through one book these days. But it's not like they're books that I'm having trouble getting into...I'm just sooooo tired. I used to stay up till 2am reading during the week and later on the weekends, and now I'm lucky if I can make it to 10pm. Is it the books? Are they just not as riveting as they used to be? Or have I been doing this so long now that I'm at my breaking point? I don't want reading, reviewing and blogging to become a chore!

    1. These are all things we will have to delve into for our discussion on Friday. And I hear ya, I dont' think it's just the books, some books I should have no problem getting into. It's partially me and my aversion to reading right now. I don't want it to become a chore either. :/

  6. I think, like the first commenter, that it's a cold. You need a break. After a little while, you'll miss it soo much, you'll jump back in head first.
    Also: that last gif is making me giggle like an idiot.

    1. You are probably right. I know that I would miss blogging if I stopped.

      That gif still has me laughing. lol. It might be my favorite gif ever.

  7. Like Jen (starryeyed), audiobooks help me out a lot. I find that if a book is dry, I don't notice it as much on audio. I also switch genres if one is not doing it for me.

    1. I have been having trouble with some audio too. I started I'll Give You The Sun, thinking it would be amazing and I would love it so it should be fine. Nope. I had to put it aside for a while. I'll come back to it at some point.

      The genre switch is helping a bit. So there is that! :)

  8. Yesss. I understand totally! I go through reading slumps and it's awful. Luckily, Cyn, my blog partner, is super understanding about my inability to review anything since I can't seem to read anything. Hopefully you'll be able to hit your stride with something. Usually a change in genres helps me out.

  9. April, I totally get it. I'm so tired. If I can choose book, or nap. I choose nap.

    Naps > Books.

    It's sad that I'm so lame.

    We (Samantha and I) are taking some time off soon so that we can be cool again. I also think it's just this time of year. It gets dark earlier and it's cold. The whole world makes me want to be in pajamas. I submit to the world and it's cold darkness. :P

    Also, thank goodness for co-bloggers, because Ms. Samantha has saved my ass a LOT lately too.

    <3 you guys!

  10. My lovely you know I feel this right along with you because we vox about it. But I do see it a lot and it also might be because of the holidays coming up too. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years... It's a lot. Especially with little ones too. Believe me, I feel it. I'm in the same boat. But I've noticed it's always around the same time.... The holidays. Buck up sweets. We all get it. ((Hugs)) p.s. I loved the gifs 😉

  11. I am not currently having this problem but I did for a very long time. For me it was really lack of time and stress. I was always so tired I would only read a few pages a night and it wasnt enough to suck me into the book. Then I would finish the book and feel like the book had been really lame when it was actually me. It took time and a couple of easy light hearted reads to get me out of my slump. Good Luck!!

  12. I feel better now too. I recently checked out 11 books from the library. I have started and ultimately decided to return 8 of them without even getting halfway through.

  13. I totally understand where you're coming from because it has happened a lot to me before, particularly if blogging had a stressful moment or I'm in a slump after a really good book so don't feel bad!

  14. You are definitely not the only one! There are days I don't feel like reading anything, or nothing sparks my attention, even though I have so many books to choose from! It's ridiculous, but I'm definitely a mood reader.
    I hope you are able to get out of your slump, but don't stress too much! You girls are awesome at blogging.

    Danielle @ Love at First Page

  15. I haven't been able to pick up a book in months. I've been thinking about picking up a favorite and hoping that'll get me back in the mood to read.

  16. Love this post! I used to fly through books and be really excited to get to the next one but now, I get the "mehs" with most of the books I start to read! I agree with you and some of the comments - it's both me (not the right mood) and the books (mediocre and not original). After reading so many amazing books earlier this year, I think my standards are higher and if the story doesn't amaze me right away, I am less patient to plod through hoping for improvement later. Like you, I've turned to TV and caught up on True Blood and some other good shows. So, what is slowly helping me get out of this funk is being very choosy about the get-me-back-in-the-reading-groove books (only referrals from sources with similar tastes) and taking it slow! I'm reading Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood and really like it! Other books that I really liked (as in they totally blew my socks off with originality, characters, etc.) - The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (audio) and The Shadow of the Wind (and all the books in the series) by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. Good luck to us all!

  17. I've felt this way for a couple weeks. Everything I've read lately has been 3 stars or under. Sometimes I even end up DNF'ing the book. :(

  18. This germ must be making it's rounds because you are not the only one in a reading slump. I am too. I think it's because I have a TON going on in my personal life that I can't stay focused on reading. It's a sign that I need to slow down. But I can't when I just bought a house. Slowing down will not be happening any time soon.

  19. I know this feeling well. It is the worst feeling and very inconvenient for a book blogger. For me, it passes after a time. I typically take a break and watch some tv, haha. I hope you start feeling better and a book really grabs you! Maybe by now something has!
