Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Our Fall TBR Lists

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =) We're game.

This week's topic is the Top Ten Books On My Fall To-Be-Read List.

April's Picks:

Like Jen, some of these titles made my spooky reads list for this year. I'm honestly nervous, because I have read absolutely nothing this past weekend, and now I'm heading into week to of the new job. Reading has become sparse, but these are the books I'm going to try and get to. Thank goodness for Audio and a bit of a commute! :)

Jen's Picks:

Some of these titles appear on my Spooky TBR, too, but their spots on this list, as well, just proves how excited I am about those particular novels. After October, I should really be able to make a dent in my TBR, especially with the promise of curling up by a fire when the temperatures start dropping. =) And because the hubby will be at the deer lease most weekends, which means Katie and I get to do pretty much whatever we want...which is to say, she'll be tucked into one corner of the couch with her Kindle, and I'll be in the other with mine. :D

What books are tops on your fall TBR pile? Be sure to share a link to your TTT post so we can visit!


  1. Blue Lily is the one I'm most excited for. I am going to absolutely devour that book when I get it. GANSEY!

  2. Blue Lily, Lily Blue isn't on my TTT list (I forgot :/) but it's definitely on my fall TBR. Can't wait for that one!!

  3. I also want to read I'll Give You the Sun, Top Ten Clues You're Clueless, and The Raven Boys. And I'm really excited about MARA!!!!

    My TTT

  4. Unmade!! Squeee!

    Also I've been trying to read Coldest Girl for like six months now, not too sure why I haven't been able to get into it. Maybe we'll finish it around the same time! :)

    Great picks ladies.
    Amber Elise @Du Livre

  5. So many great choices! Girl of Nightmares was awesome so was the Coldest Girl in Cold Town, and I have Trial by Fire and The Fall on my list. :)
    My TTT

  6. I just ordered Trial by Fire yesterday. I'm super-excited about it! The Coldest Girl in Coldtown is something I wanted to read for a long time, because I've heard a lot of good about Holly Black and also she's the best friend of Casandra Clare, one of my favorite author's of all time, so I'm just very curious. Fall and Compulsion are on my TBR, too, though in the less imperative department. The Raven Boys I've read, but did not like at all. :/ And I desperately want to start the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer now.

    Nice list! :)

  7. Unmade, Forbidden, and Compulsion are all in my top ten too! Happy Fall!

  8. I am really looking forward to reading The Fall and Stray and I really need to read the second book in the Mara Dyer trilogy. I've seen that one a few different peoples lists today.

  9. I just read I'll Give You the Sun. OMG. So achingly beautiful. Enjoy, ladies!

  10. In The Afterlife looks really cool to read :) I would love to read a Stiefvater book too!

    Check out my TTT!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

  11. So many great ones!
    I plan on reading - The Raven Boys, Stray, Compulsion, Forbidden, Mara Dyer, Top Ten Clues, the Sanctum series, and Not in the Script. So, yay, lots in common. :P
    Can't wait to see what you think of Silver Shadows, Mortal Heart, and Illusions of Fate - so much love for those!
