Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books About Friendship

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =) We're game.

This week's list features the Top Ten Books About Friendship:

April's picks:

Maybe One DayVampire AcademyOpen Road SummerRoomiesOn The Fence

Maybe One Day is truly about friendship. Probably one of the best friendship books I've ever read. Ahh, but then there is the Vampire Academy, and Rose and Lissa, they are tight. Rose would do anything for her. Open Road Summer, *sigh*, I wish I was best friends with a famous country star. Traveling the country in an RV sounds way more appealing then every day life. lol. Also I picked roomies, because even though they don't physically meet till the end of the book, it's very much centered on building a friendship, so that things aren't awkward when they start rooming together. Now On The Fence is a bit of a stretch, but it's fresh on my mind because Jen and I just read it last week. (It's Amazing!!!) Anyway, it's about romance.. but a budding romance from a long standing friendship. Those are kind of the best I think. :)

Jen's picks:

I agree, best friend romances are the best! I've read all but one of April's picks, and I kind of have to agree that they all belong on this list...especially Open Road Summer. That one should be on my list for sure. It's kinda sad, but I don't have all that many books on my shelf with the tag "friends" or some other derivative. Regardless, here's what I came up with:

Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #1)Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky, #1)FangirlPivot Point (Pivot Point, #1)Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)

I adore the friendship between Karou and Zuzana in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series. I actually think I loved Zuz more than Karou sometimes...if not just for her funny witticisms but also for her ferociousness as Karou's best friend. I also really appreciated the platonic friendship that developed between Aria and Roar in the Under the Never Sky books. I'm so elated that the author took the direction she did with those two. And it was obvious to me that they'd become friends eventually, but I was glad to see Cath and Reagan find their happy medium in Fangirl. Actually, they might be my favorite friendship out of the bunch because of how incompatible they were to begin with. Now, Addie and Laila from Pivot Point...there's a dynamic duo. I loved how, despite what happened in the first book, and their separation in the second novel, they remained besties. But best of all is the friendship in the Harry Potter series...Harry, Ron and Hermione. Such a sense of togetherness, such fierce determination to always lend a hand. It doesn't get better than that. =)

What are your favorite books where friendship is the main focus?  :)  Share the link to you TTT post so we can visit!


  1. Fangirl, and Pivot Point made my list too - love the friendship between both sets of girls. Under the Never Sky is one of my favorites - Roar and Aria's friendship is so lovely, one of t best boy-girl ones in YA, for sure. I'm so excited to read On the Fence - best friends to more is probably my favorite type of romance. :) You can't beat that history!

  2. Rose and Lissa had a great friendship in VA. I loved On The Fence. I liked the friendship that developed in Fangirl with her roommate. A lot of these I still need to read!

  3. I love Cath and Reagan!! Fangirl was awesome. I also really want to read Open Road Summer, Roomies, and On the Fence.

    My TTT

  4. I have Reagan and Cath on my list too! I loved how opposite they were...and how Reagan was all "sigh, I'm so put out but being your friend anyway". XD It was hilarious! I'm pretty shy like Cath, and I pick up friends like Reagan because: they're awesome. And they can do all the scary stuff, like walk you to the cafeteria. NEED them in your life. x)
    My TTT!

  5. Fangirl made my list too! I love books about friendship so I really need to read some of the others.
    My TTT

  6. Oh! On the Fence should've been on mine, I completely forgot, it's such a great pick! Under the Never Sky, Fangirl...yep, I agree. I need to catch up on so many friendship books though!

  7. I LOVE Karou and Zuzana's friendship! They made it on my list as well as Perry and Roar/Aria and Roar friendships! And of course Harry Potter.
    There are so many books on your lists, that I need to read! Great lists! :D

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Nice picks! Harry Potter made my list, and I adored Zuzana and Karou's friendship too!

    Check out my TTT!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

  10. So many good picks! I've heard nothing but praise for Rossi's Under the Never Sky series, but the main reason I'm excited to read it is because I've heard so many good things about the friendships/relationships. I definitely enjoyed the friendships in Daughter of Smoke & Bone, Harry Potter, and Pivot Point as well. I'm about a 1/4 of the way through Vampire Academy, and I really am enjoying Rose and Lissa's friendship as well.
