Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Weekend Update - 4.26.14

So, since my end-of-the-week post isn't just about what I got in my mailbox or on my Kindle each week -- though that is a big part of it, I won't lie -- I decided to change up the title and intro a bit.  I might tweak the format a bit over the next few weeks, but for the most part, it'll contain the same stuff:  stuff I got, stuff I did, and stuff that's coming up on the blog.  Plus, I get to use the awesome GIF you see here and blow kisses to all the people who sent me lovely books and bookish things.  Oh, and I've started linking up to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews since I'm not using a specific meme title anymore.  April's also doing her own Stacking the Shelves posts on Sundays.  Stop by and say hi!  =)

You guys, Katie and I had the best time handing out books for World Book Night on Wednesday. I was nervous because I'm kind of shy, but it helped having Katie there. Plus, the fact that people always love free stuff -- even books -- made the entire venture pretty effortless. :D Here are some pics of us getting the books all ready:

Also, April and I have been busy preparing for our 3rd blogoversary this next week, so we haven't spent much time visiting you guys. We're sorry, but after this week, things should go back to normal. Well, at least for me. April will be on a cruise so she won't be replying to comments or visiting until the middle of the month. #reallyexcitedforher #butstillkindajealous

Anyway, here's what I scored this week:

1. Awesomely adorable Wish You Were Italian swag from Kristin Rae, including a magnet from Darren, which you'll understand the significance of once you read the book. =)
2. Some of the books April had signed for me at YA Fest - just to get a glimpse of how awesome the authors are. ;0)
3. The full stack April had signed for me at YA Fest
4. Ann Aguirre's newest book Mortal Danger, which I may or may not be salivating over as you read this.

For Review:

Dark Metropolis (Dark Metropolis, #1)MARY: The Summoning (Bloody Mary, #1)Mortal Danger (Immortal Game, #1)

Dark Metropolis by Jaclyn Dolamore - received a 2nd copy so expect a giveaway soon! :D
Mary: The Summoning by Hillary Monahan - IDK why I think this is a good idea seeing as how just the mere mention of Bloody Mary freaks me out, but we'll see.
Mortal Danger by Ann Aguirre - AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! *flails* *flails some more*

Thanks Disney-Hyperion & Macmillan!!!


My Not So Super Sweet Life (My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, #3)

My Not So Super Sweet Life by Rachel Harris - Kindle deal - haven't read the 2nd book in the series yet but I just couldn't pass up this deal!


That SummerBlood Red Road (Dust Lands, #1)Rebel BelleThe Selection (The Selection, #1)The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, #1)

That Summer by Sarah Dessen (audio) - April made me jealous w/ all her Sarah Dessen listens, so I had to pick up one for myself (mini-review here)
Blood Red Road by Moira Young (audio) - re-listen in preparation for Raging Star next month
Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkings (audio)
The Selection by Kiera Cass (audio) - curiosity finally got the better of me :(
The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski (audio) - okay, I know I just read this one, but I've heard the audio is amazing & even though I'm not a fan of this narrator usually, I wanted to give it a try as a refresher since I'm on the TWC Street Team & will be promoting the book all next week


Blythewood (Blythewood, #1)

Blythewood by Carol Goodman - ARC won from the awesome ladies over at Nawanda Files during one of their Freebie Friday giveaways - I already listened to this one awhile back and loved it, so it'll be nice to have this hard copy to revisit closer to December when the sequel releases

So, that's my haul. How about you? What did you get this week?

The Week in Review:

Current Giveaways:  April's giving away a signed book or two from YA Fest 2014 -- just comment on this post to enter. Also, check back soon for more giveaways, including our 3 Year Blogoversary, featuring a week of giveaways!

YA Fest 2014 Giveaway3rd Blogoversary Week of Giveaways

Promotional/Discussion Posts:  Our Bookish BFFs, YA Fest Wrap-up, SYNC Summer 2014

Jen's Currently Reading/Listening To:

Rebel Heart (Dust Lands, #2)The Lovely and the Lost (The Dispossessed, #2)Eeek, April got my copy signed and back to me just in time to read it before the book's release next month. So excited to return to this world of gargoyles, demons, and angels. And it doesn't hurt that there are some upstanding and entirely swoon-worthy young men involved. =D

Just finished my re-listen of Blood Red Road, and as much as I loved the story before, I love it that much more thanks to the awesome narration of Heather Lind. Seriously, it is perfection, and even though I hadn't planned to immediately start Rebel Heart, I couldn't help myself. Especially knowing what comes next for Saba. o_O I'll be ready for Raging Star soon enough!

Upcoming Reviews:

The Wizard’s Promise (The Hanna Duology, #1)The Art of Lainey

Follow on BloglovinLike honest reviews & giveaways?  Be sure to follow us on Bloglovin' so you never miss out!


  1. Eeep...there is way too much awesome in this post for me to function properly. XD *flails* All those books for review have the most AWESOME covers ever. Creepy yessss. I particularly want to read Mortal Danger. And ohhh, I hope you like The Selection. It wasn't amazing, imo, but I thought it was quite cute. But a cruise, April??!! GAH. I'M WITH YOU JEN. #sojealous

  2. The Summoning looks SO scary. I love your library selection too! I hope you enjoy these books :-) (The World Book Night photos are so adorable!)

  3. WOW, what an awesome haul and you got a givers box totally cool! I hope she has a great trip!

    My STS!

  4. World Book Night seems like a lot of fun. It makes me wonder if there is one such an event here in Canada since I've not heard too much of it. I hope you had a great time. ;)

    Enjoy all your books this week, jen. :)

  5. I am rather envious of The Summoning, enjoy!

  6. World Book Night is such a cool event, I'd love to participate at some point. I'm glad you had fun! And I actually just read and reviewed both of Page Morgan's books - they were so great! I seriously cannot wait to read book three now D: I loved The Winner's Curse! And while I have both of Moira's books, I have not read either, oh no! I hope you enjoy all of your new books :)

    Have a fantastic weekend!

    Check out my STS post! (though it's a little empty right now, heh)

  7. The Bloody Mary book sounds so creepy. This story always freaks me out. Mortal Danger sounds very good and mysterious! I can't wait to read my copy from The winner's curse and I want to try Rebel Belle soon. I liked her other series. Happy reading :)!

  8. Oh my gosh! I'm swirling because you have literally so many amazing books and I've always wanted to go YA book fest and any other book events!! But seriously awesome haul and post!!

  9. Aw, it looks like you had a blast this week. AND THAT HAUL. My gosh, Jen, I'm drooling!

  10. I'm seriously jealous of that Mortal Danger ARC. Seriously.

    Also, yay for all the fun things you got this week!

  11. I got to do WBN too. I loved the experience.

    And wow, April did you right!

  12. Ahhh! You've got so many beauties here, Jen. Ohhh and April took special care of you. LOVE IT!

    Can't wait for your thoughts on Mary and Mortal Danger! Enjoy the load! Have yourself a great week!

    Marlene @ The Flyleaf Review

  13. I am starting TBaTC tomorrow. I'm thrilled because I've heard such great things about it! I hope I love it. What a great haul. I have a Macmillan package slated to arrive tomorrow. Fingers crossed it's Mortal Danger! Have a great week...can't wait to see what you do for your 3 year anniversary :-)

  14. Dark Metropolis and The Winner's Curse are two books I hope to read soon. That Mortal Danger cover is gorgeous - fingers crossed the book is just as good!

    P.S. Good luck with The Selection, hehe.

  15. woot woot, yaya for your blogoversary!!

    Great books this week too ;)

    My Weekly Wrap Up Post

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  16. I'm glad you guys had a good time at World Book Night. That sounds awesome. Awesome signed books! Yay for Mortal Danger. I hope you love it. I'm curious about the Mary: The Summoning. It's interesting that there are 2 Bloody Mary books coming out this year. Great haul and happy reading!
