Friday, April 25, 2014

SYNC 2014 Audiobook Titles Have Been Announced

Over the summer, SYNC provides access to free audiobooks for 13 weeks, pairing a recent young adult novel with a classic title that ties into it. The offerings change each week and are only available for download until the next offering is announced a week later. I've included a list below of all of the scheduled downloads for this summer, and I'll try to post a reminder each week of the next week's upcoming titles. SYNC will have all the details on how to download, so be sure to check back over there at the end of May!

Those are some awesome audiobook titles right there. You can be sure I'll be checking out all of these audiobooks, even the ones I've already read! ;0) This will be the fourth summer that I've participated! Have you ever taken advantage of this program before? Which title/week are you most excited about?


  1. I'm going to be all over this shit. How neato!

  2. I only recognize one of the new titles. I love the program, so I'll have to check out the other titles before the downloads start.
