Saturday, December 21, 2013

In My Mailbox #113

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc. feel that?  That's the beginning of winter break setting in.  I've got serious plans to finish several books over vacation.  I wish I could list them for you, but it really all depends on what mood hits me.  =)

Anyway, here's what I scored this week:

For Review:

We Were LiarsBroken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend (Broken Hearts & Revenge, #1)Lady Thief (Scarlet, #2)Fire & Flood (Fire & Flood, #1)
Thank you, Random House, Macmillan, Bloomsbury & Scholastic!!!
(click on the covers above to be taken to the Goodreads page for each book)

I just finished the audio for The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks which was my first E. Lockhart book.  Still not sure what I think of it yet, but I do know that I like the writing style and now I'm looking forward to diving into We Were Liars even more.  Just stumbled upon Broken Hearts, Fences & Other Things to Mend but then I found out it was written under Morgan Matson's pseudonym!  I just finished listening to Scarlet and was so glad to get a copy of the sequel...hoping Lady Thief is even more epic!  And then yesterday, before I left work for my "I'm not coming back to this place until next year" vacation, I received an ARC of Fire & Flood in the mail.  I love supporting Texas authors but even more so when they write such fun books.  Scott's Dante Walker series is hilarious, and I can't wait to see what she does with her Pandoras.

So, that's my haul.  How about you?  What did you get this week?

The Week in Review:


Current Giveaways:  Check back soon...I need to make room for more books!  :D

Promotional/Discussion Posts:  I hope to do more discussions over the holidays...I've really been lacking in that department.  Sorry!

Jen's Currently Reading/Listening To:

Starters (Starters, #1)Lady Thief (Scarlet, #2)Since I just finished Scarlet and I now have the sequel in my possession and there's not better way to read books than back-to-back, I decided to pick up Lady Thief, even though it's not next on my list.  Schedule-schmedule.

Listening to this one as a refresher for Enders, which I need to read and review soon.  I actually kind of forgot how awesome this book is.  And the narrator is solid, which always helps.

Upcoming Reviews:

The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-BanksAlienated (Alienated, #1)Bright Before SunriseThe Unbound (The Archived, #2)

Hope you all have a fabulous holiday...Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and all of those good tidings! And who's watching the Dr. Who Christmas Special with me?!?  =)

Follow on BloglovinLike honest reviews & giveaways?  Be sure to follow us on Bloglovin' so you never miss out!


  1. I'm really looking forward to We Were Liars! I haven't read anything by him before, but I really think that I'm going to like it.

  2. EEP Fire & Flood! I'm getting that one soon too, when my US buddy sends it to me :) So excited for it! And definitely looking forward to your review of Alienated. Mine goes up tomorrow!
    Lovely haul :)

    My IMM

  3. I really can't wait for Lady Thief. I LOVED Scarlet :D Happy reading!

  4. Nice haul. Fire and Flood is popular this week. I hope you love all of your new goodies. Come visit me as well.


  5. broken hearts fences and other things to mend is now on my tbr list! especially since morgan matson wrote it! oh and i want to read we were liars! the synopsis sounds so intriguing.

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  6. Great haul Jen! <3 Glad to see Fire & Flood on your list...I just finished it and it was AMAZING; can't wait to see what you think! I'm looking forward to reading your review of Alienated as well! :D

  7. Awesome haul! Fire & Flood sounds really good. I hope you enjoy all of your books. :b
