Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Teaser Tuesday #81: Horde by Ann Aguirre

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Here's what I'm teasing this week:

Title: Horde
Author: Ann Aguirre
Series: Razorland, book #3
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Publication Date: October 29, 2013
Source: ARC from publisher via Christina Reads YA
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

Add to Goodreads
The epic conclusion to the USA Today bestselling trilogy.

The horde is coming.

Salvation is surrounded, monsters at the gates, and this time, they're not going away. When Deuce, Fade, Stalker and Tegan set out, the odds are against them. But the odds have been stacked against Deuce from the moment she was born. She might not be a Huntress anymore, but she doesn't run. With her knives in hand and her companions at her side, she will not falter, whether fighting for her life or Fade's love.

Ahead, the battle of a lifetime awaits. Freaks are everywhere, attacking settlements, setting up scouts, perimeters, and patrols. There hasn't been a war like this in centuries, and humans have forgotten how to stand and fight. Unless Deuce can lead them.

This time, however, more than the fate of a single enclave or outpost hangs in the balance. This time, Deuce carries the banner for the survival of all humanity.
My teaser:
Fade braced and reached for me then.  It seemed to me that it got easier each time he did it, more natural.  I hoped the day would come when he could do it without needing that mental pause, where touching me was the easiest and best thing in the world.  "Try not to worry.  For the moment, we're safe and we're together.  Let that be enough."
- p. 256 of ARC

Ah, I adore this couple.  They've suffered through so much, and I just know they'll come out on top in the end.  They just have to!  Oh, and if you're worried about a triangle after that kiss from Stalker in the last book, check out what the author has to say on that.  It was enlightening, and I have to say, I totally agree.  =)

What are you teasing this week?  Share it in the comments or leave a link so I can visit!


  1. awesome teaser. Can't wait to finally get to this one!

  2. I've never heard of these! I like the teaser though!
    Here's my teaser.

  3. I'm so behind in this series, only read the first book and havent even picked up the others. I likedthem believe it or not, but I just didnt feel like reading any more. Mine is from Shooting Scars by Karina Halle

  4. Great tease, it does make you want to root for the couple. Here is mine and Mine .

  5. I need to read these books! My blog roomie, Crystal loves them. Loved that Teaser! Here is mine http://winterhavenbooks.blogspot.com/2013/10/teaser-tuesday-48-alienated-by-melissa.html

  6. Your teaser was really touching. This sounds like a good series.
    My Teaser today is from THE FUNERAL DRESS.

  7. I ilke her books but have not read this series. I think it may be because of my large TBR pile.

  8. Oh the mental pause.. it is a strange and unwieldy thing...

  9. Awesome teaser! I should really start this series!
