Saturday, September 21, 2013

In My Mailbox #100

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

I have family in town this weekend, so it's unlikely I'll get as much reading done as I'd like, but it'll be nice to get together. It's supposed to be gorgeous this weekend, and I think I'd rather take advantage of the "cold front" that's sweeping through.  (It's going to be 85, down from 98 last week.  In Texas, that IS a cold front. Lol.)

For Review:

I wish I could say that I was a good girl and didn't request anything this week, but the truth of the matter is, I did request a few's just that my approvals haven't come in yet.  :)


I've read all of these already -- and loved them -- but I decided to treat myself to some items on my Amazon wishlist.  I know, I know...really?  After that massive HPB haul and all of the review copies I've received lately, I have enough books on hand....but I've already read these, so I'm just adding finished copies to my collection.  No harm done.  =)

Also, my signed and Maggie-doodled copy of The Dream Thieves arrived this week.  I'm going to her signing on Wednesday here in Dallas to get the rest of my books signed.  And I have a lot of them.  But she'll be so busy signing that she won't be able to doodle, so I had to get this copy from Fountain Bookstore.  :D


My awesome friend Emily from Book Jems offered to take my SJM books to a signing she was attending last week and look at the pretties!  And SJM personalized each and every one!!!  Thanks, Em!  :D

So, that's my haul.  How about you?  What did you get this week?

The Week in Review:


Current Giveaways:  Win a mystery box of books in the So Many Books So Little Time Giveaway!  Ends tonight!!!  Also, the Banned Books Week Hop starts later today!

Promotional/Discussion Posts:  On Sunday, I advertised the fact that I have a new look. On Tuesday, I felt the pull of the grabby hands when I teased Susan Ee's World After -- the sequel to Angelfall -- and Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis.  However, I'm still waiting on The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski.  And then on Thursday, I announced some changes I'm making to how I read and blog.

Jen's Currently Reading/Listening To:

Just One Day (Just One Day, #1)Not a Drop to Drink I'm really enjoying this novel so far.  It feels like a mix between Blood Red Road and Drought, and I like it.  And nothing really major has even happened yet.  Okay, well, that one thing happened, but it didn't feel all that major. ;)

I'm actually not currently listening to an audiobook...because I can't decide on my next listen.  I want to start Just One Day, but the second in the duology doesn't release for a couple of weeks.  So, should I read her If I Stay series instead?  Both of those books are pretty short...

The Week Ahead:

Reviews:   Not a Drop to Drink...and then I don't know.  I should probably finally review Haze, the second book in Paula Weston's Rephaim series.  Also, I need to review World After, but it's kind of early to post a review, isn't it?  Or do you guys want it now?  :P

So Many Books So Little Time Giveaway
Ends tonight!!!

Starts later today!!!

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Like honest reviews & giveaways?  Be sure to follow us on Bloglovin' so you never miss out!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!


  1. Your friend was awesome to get those books signed to you. You got some really good books. Heard Rainbow Rowell was amazing.

    Books of Love

  2. I'm dying to read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I hope you'll enjoy all your reads this week!

  3. I've heard that Dream Thieves is AMAZING!! Enjoy all your books - great haul this week.

  4. Welll I pretty much want all those books....Yup. Nice haul girl :D
    Happy reading

  5. I was going to give my hardcover Fangirl copy away, but I loved it so much that I decided not to :) So I'm happy to see that you got a copy and bought other amazing ones as well!

    If you want to listen to If I Stay, do it! You have time for Just One Day before the sequel :)

  6. Ohhhhh, pretty signed copies of one of my favorite YA fantasy books <3

    Happy reading!

  7. Excellent haul! I am dying to get Fangirl, but I'm going to wait until I see Rainbow Rowell in October. :D Excited to see Maggie too when she comes to California!

    I hope you enjoy your books!

  8. I lived in Texas for about 2 years, so I agree with you on the "cold snap" haha

    Awesome books this week! I hope you have a great time with your family :)

    Weekly Wrap Up + STS

  9. My husband is from S Texas, and 85 is very nice weather!

    Great batch of books. I really want to read The Beginning of Everything and Fangirl. I hope you enjoy your books.

  10. You should definitely read If I Stay. It is crazy good.

    *cough* erm...

    LOL the Texas cold front sounds like the cold front of SoCal. It's FALL and I went out yesterday and was like, GAH SUN GO AWAY WHY DOES IT STILL FEEL LIKE SUMMER. But I hope you enjoyed your time with your family :D :D

    Ha. Well, you could request things and not get approved? I requested a bunch of titles, and I put a few into my blog schedule even though who knows that I'll get approved for them? But it sounds like you are quite confident of those approvals :P. Lucky you.

    Yes! No harm to the finished copy collection. I do the same. Except I remember - we have those opposite habits, so while I am dog-earring the copies that come in that I've already read, I bet you're keeping them in great condition.

    OOOO enjoy the signing with Maggie on Weds! There are no signings really near to where I am, so I've stopped paying attention to them. You have quite the plan with her! Doodle + signatures = awesome! When you say a lot for her to sign, do you mean you're bringing other series around too??

    SJM is the best. I hope one day you'll get to have her sign them for you in person too. She's super kind, and it was really nice of Emily to have done that for you. And both books too! o.o. (This is the part where I admit that SJM came to my college for a bookish event and then had me and the other organizer sign a copy of her book that she took on tour and then I misspelled Celaena's name. *shamefaced* And here she is, personalizing copies for fans and I may have ruined hers o.o.).

    Grabby hands at World After!! Yes.
    Save Just One Day so you can compare to Just One Year. But yes, do read the If I Stay series. I think you'll LOVE Where She Went, the sequel to IIS. (And what?! Those are considered short to you? *sigh*)

  12. I just finished Fangirl and really enjoyed it. I've been kind of reading All Our Yesterdays, although it keeps getting pushed to the back burner. So jealous of all those lovely signed books. Great haul!
