Saturday, July 13, 2013

In My Mailbox #90

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

Blech...I'm sick...again.  Which means I'll probably get a lot of reading done this weekend but not much else. Lucky for me, I had most of my posts ready to go for the end of this week.  Yay for planning!  And yay for a slow week!

For Review:

Truth or Dare (Truth or Dare, #1)ShadowsThe Kingdom of Little Wounds

click on covers to be taken to the Goodreads page for each book

Truth or Dare by Jacqueline Green - My first book from PLL as a preferred blogger.  :)  Finished copy for tour.

Shadows by Paula Weston - I've actually been seeing a lot of posts for the sequel to this lately, and it sounds right up my alley.  Super excited to find the first book up on NG!

The Kingdom of Little Wounds by Susann Cokal - Fantasy!  Epic power struggle!  Maybe this will help me get over the end of the awesome Fire and Thorns series....maybe.

I also scored a ton of HarperTeen titles on Edelweiss yesterday, but being sick, I don't have the energy to link them all right now.  But here's a list:

Panic by Lauren Oliver
Ask Again Later by Lisa Czukas
The Promise of Amazing by Robin Constantine -- THIS WAS A RECENT WOW PICK!!!
Dear Killer by Katherine Ewell
Maybe One Day by Melissa Kantor
Avalon by Mindee Arnett
Faking Normal by Courtney C. Stevens
Uninvited by Sophie Jordan
Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
No One Else Can Have You by Kathleen Hale -- THIS WAS GOING TO BE NEXT WEEK'S WOW!!!
All That Glows by Ryan Graudin
Elusion by Claudia Gabel & Cheryl Klam
Her Dark Curiosity by Megan Shepherd
House of Ivy & Sorrow by Natalie Whipple

There are a ton more up for grabs, but those are the ones that interested me.  I love that Harper always puts up their titles after a killer Epic Reads #ARCParty.  :)  Maybe if I'm feeling better later, I'll come back and post covers and links.  Here's hoping!

So, that's our haul.  How about you?  What did you get this week?

The Week in Review:


Current Giveaways:  check back soon!!!

Promotional/Discussion Posts:  SYNC's 2013 Week 7 offerings are up for download, with The Peculiar and Oliver Twist up for grabs this week -- FOR FREE!  We discussed being present on this week's Symposium.

Jen's Currently Reading/Listening:

The Nightmare Affair (The Arkwell Academy, #1)Truth or Dare (Truth or Dare, #1)This has a Pretty Little Liars vibe to me so far...which is awesome since I love the show.  But don't tell me what's going on...I'm a few eps behind.

Love the cover.  Got my copy signed at EdgeFest.  :)  I don't know if it's the narrator or just the book in general, but reads a bit more like a middle-grade than a YA to me.

Mendy's Currently Reading/Listening:

45 Pounds (More or Less)
Stolen: A Letter to My Captor
Yeah, didn't get this finished up before release, but I think we're going to give away our ARC whenever I do finish.  :)

I don't think I've listened to this since last week.  Oops.

The Week Ahead:

Reviews:   Written in Red (audio), mini reviews of Bittersweet, If I Should Die & The Nightmare Affair (audio)

Coming Soon! Sign up to host a summer giveaway!

Summer Giveaway Blog Hops

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Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!


  1. I can't wait to read 45 pounds. I hope you like it :)

  2. So many people are getting Cruel Beauty! I'm jealous. I've also heard a lot of good things about Shadow and I want it so bad. You have a good haul! Hope you feel better!:)
    My STS:

  3. Feel better!

    Truth or Dare looks good. Enjoy the books!

  4. Oh no! I hope you feel better. :(

    I was super excited to see all of the Harper books on Edelweiss myself right after the Epic Reads ARCParty. I haven't been approved for any of them yet though, so here I wait... patiently... :)

    Feel better, my friend!! Get lots of fluids, rest, and TONS of reading in!

  5. I hope you feel better soon! Love all the Harper books--I can't wait to see if I'll get approved for them. So happy you got The Kingdom of Little Wounds! I hope we love it. I also got Shadows--can not wait to read :-)

    My Friends Are Fiction's SS

  6. It was so hard to choose which of the Harper books I wanted :) so many good things.

    Feel better soon!

  7. Hope you feel better *hugs* Although I love that gif because I'm not sick, but that's exactly how I feel. Great haul, I need to catch up on my reading!

    Also, here's my sickly suggestion: drink Emergen-C! You can find it at Walmart or anywhere and is really great. Strawberry Kiwi is my favorite flavor (that I've tried) with Acai Berry close second (which is weird because I usually hate grape-ish flavors) and orange (which I thought I would love) being horrible! But it really kicks up your immune system. I think the doctor would also recommend swoony books. Of course. And dark chocolate covered acai berries. Hey, they're berries, so it HAS to be good along with dark chocolate which is an anti-oxidant. I'll stop blabbing now. Get away from the screen!

  8. So many pretties this week. Sorry your sick I hope you feel better soon. I'm really, really hoping to score a copy of Her Dark Curiosity I need it now!

    My Weekly Wrap Up

  9. Truth or Dare looks interesting. I've heard great things about the Paula Weston series. Enjoy!
