Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Starry-Eyed Revue is Turning 2!!! Day 1 Giveaway

We here at The Starry-Eyed Revue are pretty excited today.  Not only is it the 2nd anniversary of Jen's 29th birthday, but it's also our 2nd blogoversary!  And you know what that means!

No, no, we're not going to relate a bunch of stats from this past year -- we'll wait to bore you with those details at the end of the year, hehe -- but we do have some great giveaways planned!  The first two giveaways are for US readers only.  But don't despair international readers, Friday's giveaway is open to everyone!  =)  We really appreciate each and every one of you who've found us along the way and continue to support us and share your thoughts on a subject that we are all passionate about:  books!

So, without further ado, let the celebratory dancing  commence!

And just because Nick had an awesome night last night, he gets a celebratory dance of his own!

Gawd, we love that show!'s what our first day of celebrating has in store for you:

Day 1 Prize Pack, featuring:
ARC of Falling Kingdoms
PB of Angelfall
Signed ARC of Taken
Assorted swag
Tote Bag

  • This giveaway is for US residents only
  • One entry per household.
  • All entries will be verified.  Any entry found to be falsified will result in disqualification of all entries for that participant.
  • Winner will be notified via email.  Winner will then have 48 hours to respond before another winner will be selected.  Please check your SPAM folders!!!
  • I am not responsible for lost packages.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

As always, thank you for stopping by & happy reading!


  1. Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with your site or anything that needs to be improved! Keep up the good work and congrats on 2 years!!!


  2. OMG happy birthday Jen and happy blogoversary!!!!!!!! I'm so happy I found your blog and have found a great blogging friend. <3

    1. Thanks, Sara!!! I'm so glad to have found you, too! :D

  3. Happy Birthday or Blogoversary:) I love the colors of your blog--very happy. The social links, ie fb, twitter, and gfc links, are all easy-to-find ( I can't tell you how many times I've searched a blog to sign up!!! ) and at the top of the page. I've been getting your email for a while now and I always enjoy reviews and posts. Keep doing a good job!!!

    1. Thanks, Cindi! And thanks for the kind words! I hope you continue to enjoy our content!

  4. I love the happiness of the blog! Looking at it makes me smile. I think ya'll are doing a fantastic job and I say round of applause for you! HAPPY 2nd YEAR! Keep up all your excellent work!

    1. Aw, thanks, Ashley! I'm glad our blog makes you smile! :)

  5. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!

  6. The colors are very bright and fun. It makes you smile when looking at the blog. Thanks for having the giveaway. Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy birthday! And blogoversary! This is a fun site to stumble on. I love the colors and the book reviews. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks! And I'm glad that you stumbled on us! :D

  8. I love the tote bag! Lucky US people. Haha.

    Happy birthday and happy blogoversary! More colorful and happy years to come.

    Charlie @ Letter Trails

    1. mom made those for me to giveaway! :) And sorry!

      Thanks for the warm wishes! :D

  9. Happy blogaversary! That's such a big milestone. I love your reviews! I love that you comment back :). I also think your blog design is adorable <3


  10. Happy Birthday and Blogaversay! How fun to have them together. Here's to another great year!

    1. Thank you, Janeal! I think I was home alone on my birthday two years ago, and that's how it happened that they coincide now. :)

  11. Congratulations on your birthday AND your blogoversary! Well done! (And hey, you'll never forget your blogoversary -- convenient, that!)

    Favorite thing about your blog? You mean, besides the content? ;-) I like this blog design; it's upbeat and fresh.

  12. Congrats! I don't really think there's anything wrong with your blog--it's great...interesting reads and thoughts, entertaining, pretty, easy to navigate...occasional free stuff ;) What more could a reader ask for?

  13. Happy Blogversary! I hope you have many more. Nice giveaway!

  14. Happy blogversary! I have to agree with someone above my comment, I love the bright fun colors of your site.

  15. Congrats! I love the layout of your blog. Easy to navigate. Thanks for this great giveaway!

  16. Happy Blogoversary! I looooove the colors and layout of your blog, and also the reviews, giveaways, etc. of course :)

  17. Happy Blogoversary!!!! *Dances* :-D

  18. Congrats!! My favorite thing about your blog is the amount of audio books you review. I absolutely LOVE audio books so I really enjoy reading which ones you guys have listened too and what you think!

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  19. Happy blogoversary!! 2 years is such an awesome milestone. :)

  20. Happy Blogday! I love New Girl by the way!

  21. Happy Blogoversary! I love how upbeat and fun your blog always is--and your exquisite choice of New Girl GIFs (this week's episode was AMAZING!)

  22. happy blogoversary! i love how fun your blog is. :)

  23. I would like to see some stuff about urselfs! Other than that I love yall blog! :D And I hope yall run it for many more years!
    Samantha Deen

  24. Happy B-day/Blogoversary! I don't think there is anything you can change about your blog because of you I've found a lot of books I wouldn't have even know about! :) Thank you!

  25. I'm an international reader just stopping by to say HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY!!!! YAY!!!
    Suzy Turner, YA Author

  26. I like how you give us up to date info on all the giveaways, new books, book release dates and I love the colors, their pretty but they don't overtake the page and make me strain to see the words!

  27. I love your design! and your reviews are great!

  28. The blog is great just the way it is.

  29. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN! *dances with the amazing gifs* I bring you virtual cupcakes and ice cream and...what's your favorite candy? And happy birthday to your AMAZING blog. Seriously, Starry Eyed Revue is in my top 5 and I get mini freak outs when I realized that I missed a post (how can that happen though when I have it in my emails? Gosh, it's ridiculous). I'm so happy for you guys :)

    Um, change nothing? I love your writing style, the fun-ness of it all, and the fact that when I read your posts, I sometimes feel as if I'm hanging out with you and we're just two people squealing about books. Your design also makes me happy. :)

  30. I love the colors because it looks so cheerful! You also have great giveaways! I wouldn't change a thing! Congrats on your blogoversary! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

    Suz Reads

  31. My favorite thing about your blog is honestly, the way it's set up. I've noticed that a lot of book blogs are just SOOO overcrowded with buttons and favorite series banners and 500 million ways to follow, and while your blog does have some of that, you limited to one column on the side (as opposed to it being on both sides), and the posts are organized really well.

    Everything just looks CLEAN, and it makes it so much more readable.

    And... I'm not sure what I'd tell you to improve. You do a pretty good job on content.


  32. Happy Blogoversary!!!!!! This is such a bright, pretty and fun blog!

  33. To be honest, I think the banner is a little blurry. Perhaps it's just how it is stretched out.
    Other than that, I love your blog. The background is a little distracting but the colors are so positive!
    Congrats on reaching your two year blogiversary! And thank you for hosting such an amazing giveaway! I want to read those books so badly! :)

  34. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!

  35. How did I miss this post??? So happy we bonded over Veronica Mars and are now blogging friends :)

  36. Congrats!!! I think your blog is very well put together and i dont think it need improving on anything!!

  37. I love the layout. It's simple and clean. So many times blogs are cluttered up with ads, and links. This one is easy to use. I also love your giveaways!
    Happy Bloversary, by the way!
    mestith at gmail dot com

  38. Congratulations! Happy blogoversary! I don't think anything needs to be improved, though I would love to see more original discussion posts.

    (Also, I made a typo when entering my GFC name and didn't catch it in time. The correct name is Shelver506.)

  39. Happy Blogoversary! I like the setup of your site. This sounds silly. but OI like that links turn a different color when you click them. It makes life easier. It just does. So many blogs don't do that! Aside from that, the setup itself is so colorful and fun and cheerful, and your reviews always come across like you're having fun, which is nice. And of course I love your giveaways!

  40. I think you have unique giveaways and great reviews. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

  41. Congratulations and happy blogoversary! I love how bright and colorful your blog is! The only thing that I can think of that needs improvement (and I would use that term very loosely!) is that it can be kind of hard to read the text in your sidebar area, because it sits on top of your background.

  42. omg. this one is green.
    jen, this tote.
    so cute.

    ps. hi, you guys provide so much win. happy two years! <3

  43. Love your honest reviews and great giveaways! Happy Blogiversary! Keep up what you are doing!

  44. My favorite thing would have to be the giveaways. Also though - the entire layout is fun and enticing to me. It just LOOKS like it's chock full of great books that would appeal to me!

  45. Love the colors of your blog! It's so bright and fun! :)

  46. I usually skip over the kids drawings of books but other than that I love it.

  47. I really like the layout and colors on your blog!

  48. I love the posts when your daughter does a cover! I love that scene in New Girl! Happy Celebrations!

  49. Congrats!!! I love your reviews and the great colors.

  50. My blog is turnin 2 also! I love the new design you have here...cute yet sophisticated. =)

  51. I love all your reviews, giveaways and fun layout!

  52. No need to enter me in the giveaway, m'dears, just HAPPY HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY! I've been sick for two weeks so I missed the announcement, but I'm beyond thrilled for you. :) To two more happy years!

    And Jen, I like your counting method. ;) Happy birthday, sweetie.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  53. Happy Blogoversary! Wishing you many more years of fun and awesomeness!! I enjoy 'hanging out' on on your blog. You have great reviews, interviews, memes, GIFs, giveaways.....I wouldn't change a thing. Just keep being you!

  54. I love the red, blue, pink green circles on your blog! It's unique and it makes the blog feel happy!

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Happy Blogoversary! I love your blog. I love how your blog it set up. I love how you can find everything so easily. I love that is colorful. I love your style of reviewing. I adore everything about your blog. Honestly your blog is awesome and I don't think you should change anything.

    Thank you for having such a great blog, thank you for helping me choose awesome books, thank you for all the amazing giveaways.


  57. I love your blog, happy blogoversary! :)P
