Saturday, May 18, 2013

In My Mailbox #82

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

Well, summer is officially here in Texas.  Can't believe I was complaining about the unseasonably cooler weather a week or two ago!  Still, this means I can put the kiddo in the sprinkler while I sip a cocktail on the patio, book in hand.  =)

Here's what we got this week...

For Review:

FangirlTruly, Madly, Deadly

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - This was Mendy's WoW pick a couple of weeks ago, but Jen's been anticipating it, too, ever since she listened to Eleanor & Park.  Plus, it's a story about sisters, so you know we're all over that.  :D

Truly, Madly, Deadly by Hannah Jayne - Doesn't that premise just sound all kinds of creepy?  Someone acknowledging that they may have done you a favor by offing your abusive boyfriend?  Sounds thrilling, to say the least.


Between the Lines (Between the Lines, #1)Where You Are (Between the Lines, #2)Good For You (Between the Lines, #3)
Tiger LilyReboot (Reboot, #1)
The 5th Wave & the Night Creatures series

Jen has a serious audiobook addiction.  The first five shown above are audio that she purchased this week.  She's already on the third book in the Between the Lines series, and is actually more than half-way through that one.  She bought Reboot based on several blogger reviews, and she's had Tiger Lily on her shelf for ages and has actually been hoping that the audio would be released soon so she could finally get to it.

Jen just reviewed the audio for The 5th Wave but she'd already ordered a hardcover.  She'd also been waiting forever to get her hands on the Night Creatures series by Australian author Marianne de Pierres, and finally, finally Amazon is offering it in paperback.  The glossy covers don't quite do the original covers justice -- Jen read the first book on a tour ages ago -- but at least they're better than the ones the author had considered using for the Amazon paperbacks.  Luckily, Jen's only out an extra $12 over the cost of the ebooks.

So, that's our haul.  How about you?  What did you get this week?

The Week in Review:


Current Giveaways:  SIGNED copies of the first three Elementals books, The Starry-Eyed Revue's 2nd Blogoversary Bash Day 1, Day 2 & Day 3 (international), the 2013 Children's Book Week Giveaway Hop & the Love in Bloom Giveaway Hop

Recent Winners:  Erin won the ebook of You Are Mine by Janeal Falor in the cover reveal giveaway & Cindy won an ebook of Wide Awake by Shelly Crane in the special promotion earlier this month

Promotional/Discussion Posts:  We discussed rating systems on this week's The Sunday Symposium

Jen's Currently Reading/Listening:

Spirit (Elemental, #3)The Pirate's Wish (The Assassin's Curse, #2)I adored The Assassin's Curse when I finally listened to the audio earlier this year.  It was beyond good.  And I'm just so damned excited to get back to that world and see if Ananna and Naji can break Naji's curse.  Also loved The Witch's Betrayal (a novella from Naji's POV) and am very much looking forward to The Automaton's Treasure (Marjani's story).

Super-excited to read Hunter's story in Spirit!  He's such an intriguing character!!!

Mendy's Currently Reading/Listening:

Flat-Out Love (Flat-Out Love, #1)My Life Next Door change from last week.  D'oh!

I've been super busy with kids' projects and family stuff, so I'm still working on the same books from last week.  We're thinking about doing a joint-discussion about Flat-Out Love instead of the usual review.

The Week Ahead:

(Possible) Reviews of Flat-Out Love (audio), Sweet Peril (audio), On the Jellicoe Road (audio), Unbreakable (audio) & Siege and Storm.....we'll see how the week goes before we make any promises.  :P

Goddess Tour

The final installment of the Starcrossed trilogy is almost here. Stop by on Monday for a guest post from author Josephine Angelini!  There's a tour-wide giveaway, too!

For my stop on the Spirit Blog Tour, I'm going to get Gabriel Merrick to tell all in an interview.  Trust me, it's not to be missed!

As I've mentioned before, I'm one of the Elementals Virgins on the Spirit Blog Tour hosted by The Midnight Garden!  You can read more about it over there, but check out this post for details on the read along I'm co-hosting with Steph from Cuddlebuggery!  We'll be discussing Spirit here on Sunday, May 26th.  And it's not too late to sign up!!!

Have a great weekend!!!


  1. Ohh great book haul! I am SO excited for Fangirl and Truly, Madly, Deadly!! ooh and the tammara webber trilogy is AMAZING!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  2. I see Fangirl in many hauls this week. Such a cute cover. And Tiger Lily <3 Beautiful book!

    Happy reading.

  3. Oh I can't wait to read Pirate's wish. I also got Fangirl and that excites me.

  4. Really want to read the fifth wave. So jealous.

  5. I've been meaning to read Between the Lines for forever. I need to get on that. I'm excited to read Truly, Madly. It does sound creepy. Happy reading!
    Natflix&Books' StS

  6. I have a total girl crush on Tammara Webber. The Between the Lines series is one of my favorites. :)

  7. Cool haul. Hope you enjoy them all :)


  8. Great haul this week!! I need to read the Between the Lines series!!

  9. What a lovely haul this week! And I like the way you show what you're currently reading. I may add that idea to my Sunday Posts...

    Oh, and sprinklers. It's been ages since my daughter was young enough to want to play in the sprinkler...

  10. OMG Squee!! I didn't realize The Night Creatures Series were finally out on Amazon. Must track down copies!! Lovely books this week, I must say. As for the heat, have you avoided the bad weather this weekend or no??

    Here's my Weekly Wrap Up@Blood,SweatandBooks

  11. I got Fangirl too! It sounds so perfect and amazing. I'm looking forward to it. Truly, Madly, Deadly is another I can't wait for! I hope it's as good as it sounds! :)

    My haul

  12. I've been thinking about reading The Night Creatures series, but I'm still on the fence. It's good? I downloaded The 5th Wave and I'm listening to it now. Awesome so far!! I'm super excited to read Fangirl... totally can't wait for that pretty puppy. Great books this week! Hope you ladies enjoy them! :)

  13. OMG those Burn Bright etc. covers are gorgeous!!! o.O I need them. On my shelf.
    Truly Madly Deadly has been on my radar for a while but I think I'll wait for some reviews before I make my decision...
    I really need to read Tammara Webber. Easy's been on my kindle for ages, I bought it back before it was picked up but somehow always forget that it's there ^^''
    You had an awesome week! Thanks for stopping by earlier :)
