Saturday, February 9, 2013

In My Mailbox #68

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

Um, I was better this week?  Okay, not really, but I put those Xmas gift cards to good use!  =P

For Review:

Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead - Um, it's Richelle Mead.  My reasons for requesting this bad boy are pretty self-explanatory.  =)

Huge thanks to Dutton & Edelweiss for the awesome, awesome book review copy!!!


Audio --

Article 5 (Article 5, #1)Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles, #2)Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2)Amy and Roger's Epic Detour

Hardcovers --

Asunder (Newsoul, #2)Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2)City of a Thousand DollsThrough the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky, #2)

I also gifted the audio for Pandemonium to my younger sis because I  kind of forced the first book on her, and she absolutely loved it.  But I only had the audio for Delirium and I couldn't just leave her hanging like that.  =D

Yes, I did purchase both the audio and hardcover of Unravel Me.  I had to have the beautimous finished copy for my shelf, but I also knew I wouldn't be able to get to it in the near future, hence the audio.  No judging!

The Week in Review:

Reviews:  Wings of Tavea, Splintered (audio), & Pivot Point

Current Giveaways:  Wings of TaveaFollower Love Giveaway Hop, Romance is in the Air Giveaway Hop, The Goddess Test series

Blog Tours/Promotions:  Wings of Tavea Blog Tour, What's Divine About The Goddess Test Series

Recent Winners:  Stacey won the Young Adult Giveaway Hop and chose a copy of Unravel Me as her prize

The Week Ahead:

Reviews of Scarlet (audio), Valkyrie Symptoms (SSS), City of a Thousand Dolls & Unravel Me (audio)

A discussion on out-of-control TBR piles on this week's The Sunday Symposium

For the Love of Swoon Giveaway Hop -- starts on Wednesday!


  1. I just finished Unravel Me yesterday, and it was AMAZING <3
    You'll love it! I also loved Through the Ever Night, and I can't wait to read City of a Thousand Dolls.
    Great haul!

    My haul

  2. City of a Thousand Dolls are on my To Read list. So is Unravel Me and a lot of other books you have up there. Unfortunately I have no idea when or if they are going to be released in Australia :( I hope you enjoy them!

    Bec @ Ransom Reads

  3. Great haul! I've seen Unravel Me and Through the Ever night around a lot, and I'm hoping I get the chance to read them.

    Check out my StS:

  4. Awesome books this week! I also got Scarlet and Unravel Me this week! I loved Amy and Roger's Epic Detour, I hope you do too! Have a great weekend :)

  5. Eeep, so many awesome books! I got to meet the author of Scarlet last night, and so I bought a copy of Scarlet to get it signed. So I'm really psyched to start it! I hope that you enjoy it in audio, which reminds me that I absolutely need to try out an audiobook soon! I had Through the Ever Night on pre-order, so I pretty much devoured it the day it landed on my doorstep. It was fantastic, and I hope that you enjoy it as much as the first! I've also got Asunder sitting on my bookshelf, calling my name. After a re-read of Incarnate, I'll be picking that one up.

    Fantastic haul, enjoy all your lovely books! <3

  6. Ooo, I am so excited for the new Richelle Mead! I have high hopes for it, can't wait to see what you think. Happy reading, sweet Jen!

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  7. OMG you got Gameboard of the Gods! *flails* Can't wait to read it vicariously through your review :P
    I also need to get in on that Article 5 and Shatter Me thing already... everyone's excited and I'm feeling left out ;) I'm curious to hear what you think of City of a Thousand Dolls too! I see my moneystack dwindling *sigh*
    Enjoy alllll the books :)

    My StS

  8. Great haul this week!! I <3 Shatter Me and Article 5!! City of a Thousand Dolls looks soo good

  9. Great haul! I'm so jealous you got Gameboard of the Gods. Gah! Can't wait to read it! Hope you enjoy (I'm you sure you will ;D).

    Raina @ The LUV'NV

  10. City of a thousand dolls <3 I need it! The same for Scarlet :) Happy reading.

    Haul - Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  11. Just bought Unravel Me :)
    And I just requested Gameboard but Dutton is the only publisher that always rejects me on Edelweiss. So I may have to see what you think!

  12. I got Amy and Roger's Epic Detour this week too! I really hope you love Article 5 too. Enjoy your new reads!

    My Book Haul

  13. Great haul of books, I'm looking forward to Gameboard Of The Gods and I just got Scarlet this week too! Happy reading!

    My StS!

  14. I'm very curious about Gameboard. It's not a book that really appeals to me, but it is Mead, so I can't wait to see what you think. I've always meant to read Amy & Roger.

  15. Amy and Roger looks good. I'm a dedicated fan of Richelle Mead's, but I'll have to look at some reviews first. Enjoy!

  16. So many great books. i loved Amy and Roger's, hope you do too!

  17. Totally understandable that you needed a copy of Unravel Me for your shelf. I feel the same way. :) (And omg... Just saw the pic of your shelves in your other post... Could I BE any more jealous?!?!) I'm only about 15% into Unravel Me. I've been snowed in from the blizzard for days with very little time to listen to my audio, believe it or not. I mostly just listen in the car, not at home. My family would kill me if I sat here with headphones on ignoring them. I guess I can see their point. :P I have been reading Torched by Andrea Lynn Colt though. It's an indie contemporary story so maybe not your type? But it's so good!! I'm having trouble putting it down! Anyway, I digress. Enjoy your goodies!!! :D

  18. Oh Richelle Mead's cover looks great!
