Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Teaser Tuesday #10: This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

This week's teaser comes from the following book:

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Title:  This is Not a Test
Author:  Courtney Summers
Series:  n/a
Publisher:  St. Martin's Griffin
Publication Date:  June 19, 2012
Source:  Southern Book Bloggers ARC tour

It’s the end of the world. Six students have taken cover in Cortege High but shelter is little comfort when the dead outside won’t stop pounding on the doors. One bite is all it takes to kill a person and bring them back as a monstrous version of their former self.

To Sloane Price, that doesn’t sound so bad. Six months ago, her world collapsed and since then, she’s failed to find a reason to keep going. Now seems like the perfect time to give up. As Sloane eagerly waits for the barricades to fall, she’s forced to witness the apocalypse through the eyes of five people who actually want to live.

But as the days crawl by, the motivations for survival change in startling ways and soon the group’s fate is determined less and less by what’s happening outside and more and more by the unpredictable and violent bids for life—and death—inside.

When everything is gone, what do you hold on to?

My teaser:
"Baxter studies us.  I'm hoping for something but I don't know what it is.  I want him to handle it the right way.  I want him to make it easier on all of us.  In a way, he does.
He does the most condemnable thing ever.
He tries to run." -- p. 177 of ARC
I actually just finished this one last night, guys, but it SLAYED me.  So raw.  So sad.  Such a realistic portrayal of human behavior in the aftermath of an apocalyptic nightmare.  I fully expect to still be thinking about this one for weeks.  It's definitely not for the faint of heart.

This was my first Courtney Summers novel, though I have Fall for Anything on my shelf, but after This is Not a Test, I want to read everything she's ever written or even thought about writing.  I'll be posting my full review in the very near future.


  1. Ahhhh this book sounds so good! I really want to read it now.

    My TT is from Rapture by Lauren Kate.

  2. Oh, cant wait to read your review. Nice teaser!

  3. Omg I just finished this book and I was blown away! And I remember the part your teaser is from. It gets super scary after that!

    My TT

    1. Same here. I'll definitely be buying my own copy so I can have my mind blown again. :P

  4. Sounds very interesting.

    My teaser is in my review of Left Neglected by Lisa Genova.

  5. Everyone is raving about this book! I am going to have to check it out!

    New follower!!

    Chelsey@Charming Chelsey's

  6. Fantastic! I just got this one today and I'm dying to read it!!!!
    And I love that it's not just another light and fluffy YA read! Don't get me wrong, I love those too, but sometimes it's nice to have a bit of heart slayage!
    My TT!
    Happy Teaser Tuesday!

    1. Agreed! Sometimes you need a book with some depth, even if those depths pull you in and scare the bejeezus out of you. :P

  7. Awesome teaser! I've heard a lot of amazing things about this book and can't wait to read it. Thanks for sharing!

    Here's my Teaser!

    Wendy @ Escape Into Fiction

  8. Can't wait to read this one! Great teaser!

    My TT

  9. Squeee!! I so want this book, it sounds amazing! Can't wait for your review!!

    My Tease

  10. Sounds like an amazing book! I'll wait to read your review :3


  11. Ahhh I'm so jealous!! I had this on my WoW too... I can't wait to read it!!! I'm anxious to see what you think of it. :)

  12. I like the idea of two major sources of conflict - one from zombies and one from the group trapped in the high school. And then there's Sloane's inner conflict too. Lots of opportunities for drama!
    My teaser this week is from The Lie.

    1. All of the conflict...it was draining, but in the best possible way.

  13. nice tease, sounds very good, here is my teaser http://concisebookreviewsbymichelle.blogspot.com/2012/06/teaser-tuesday-come-by-see-my-teaser.html#comment-form

  14. Courtney Summers is one of my favorite authors. I would only read a zombie book for her. Hoping to swap this with a friend so I can check it out.

    1. I LOVE zombie novles, but this one was so amazing. The drama that unfolds between the kids is somehow worse than what's going on outside the school. Until you see what's outside the school, that is. I'm seriously going to add everything in Courtney Summer's backlist to my TBR. And if I had my own copy, I'd totally send it to you. :)

  15. Aaaaaah!! I'm so happy to hear that you LOVED it!! I'll be giving away two copies of this book on my blog soon, but I have yet to read it! After that teaser... I'm more than ready to now! Great teaser, Jen! :D

    1. Woohoo...gonna have to enter so I can score my very own copy. :P Hope you love it, too!

  16. I've heard so many amazing things about this one :) Can;t wait to read it!

    My 1st TT is on my blog: http://maryellenbrady.com/2012/06/11/teaser-tuesday-earth-by-shauna-granger/

  17. This is a zombie book, but it's not full of blood and gore the entire time. (Yes, there is blood and gore, but not for the majority of the book). Because throughout most of the story, it is about five kids inside of a school while the zombie apocalypse goes on outside. I've heard this book described as "Breakfast Club meets Zombies," and that is SO TRUE! Besides Grace and Trace (who are twins), no one else in the school was friends before the zombies happened. They had seen each other around, and they do have small connections, but they would never call each other to hang out on a normal day. One of my favorite things about apocalyptic stories is how people who wouldn't normally be friends are forced to learn about each other and get along, and this book definitely served in that retrospect. I loved seeing the relationships develop throughout the story - especially the relationship between Sloane and Rhys.
