Friday, October 14, 2011

TGIF #12

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at GReads!  In this weekly feature, Ginger poses a question to her followers and then asks everyone to link up at the end of the post, sharing their responses.

This Friday's Question:

Show & Tell: Where do you grab a book and get lost in it? Show us your favorite spot you like to read at. 

Honestly, I can read anywhere...and I do.  I always have a book with me, plus my Nook goes everywhere I go.  So, if I find myself with five minutes to spare, I'll use that time to read, no matter how much it pains me to have to stop reading and get back to whatever I was doing.

But I recently moved, and lo and behold, I have the most awesome reading spot ever now.  I actually just recently posted about this, but in case you missed it, here's my amazing new backyard view:

In the very near future, my hubby will be setting up a hammock for me.  I don't think he realizes that once he does that, I'll never leave home again.  ;)

So, where's your favorite place to curl up with a good book?  Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?


  1. So yeah....where do you live? *begins packing bags*

    It is stunning! your so lucky!

    Mine doesn't even compare!

    Have a great Friday!


  2. Ooh, a hammock! How jealous am I? This spot looks ideal. I'm with you on the reading anytime you can grab five minutes--but oh, the wrench of stopping! It's truly awful. Blech.

  3. That spot is so beautiful! You're so lucky :)

  4. That is awesome! So lucky to have such an amazing spot. And I would be like you, I would never leave the hammock! :]

  5. that spot is amazing! Looks nice and relaxing!

    Happy Reading
    My TGIF:

  6. I missed this last week! What a beautiful view you have! I bet you will love a hammock there! I hope you can get hubby to get it up there soon!
