Thursday, November 30, 2017


What I've Been Reading Lately {11.30.17}

Thursday, November 30, 2017 with 12 comments

So, I hit my goal of 250 books for the year earlier this week, and yet I still don't feel like I really read that much in November, at least not compared to previous months. Maybe it's because I basically took all of Thanksgiving week off from reading to focus on work and preparing for the family to arrive for the holiday. Also, I didn't really re-read this month, which is really unusual for me.

My foray into some classic novels, most especially Georgette Heyer novels, is still going well. Really well. But my attempt to get in the holiday spirit with some Christmas-themed reads is...well, not. I haven't read a single new-to-me holiday book that's been anything but meh. Might have to re-read some favorites instead. Though, I don't even know if I can take Dash & Lily again. I feel like I need something a bit more substantial this year. Plus, I've read it like five times now, lol. Suggestions for Christmas reads would obviously be welcome. :D

And without further ado, here's what I've been reading lately...

(More on why I've gone to this format here in lieu of traditional reviews for each.)

Y O U N G   A D U L T

The Knowing - I loved The Forgetting. Like, FIVE STAR loved it. It was so unique and Sharon Cameron is kind of brilliant and it was just so good. So, my expectations for the companion novel were pretty high. Where The Forgetting focused on a civilization that forgot who they were every 12 years, The Knowing takes place centuries later and features a people who cannot forget. They even remember being in the womb. It was quite the opposite story in a lot of ways...but also kind of not. I liked the parallels and what realizations they led to. And I liked the characters for the most part. But this sequel of sorts was just missing that certain something that would have made me love it as much as the previous installment. ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ

The Empress - Whoa. This sequel was not playing around. As with the previous book, I still never knew who to trust, who to rely on. And I still pretty much think everyone is batshit crazy. The lengths these people will go to for revenge, to see a scheme through to fruition! If this is the future -- where we've turned from everything we knew because technology was threatening our very existence -- I want no part of it. I do, however, want the next book STAT. That ending! That fucking ending! Not what I expected AT ALL and I kind of hate how it left things but also kind of love it because after everything I still, STILL did not see that coming. If The Diabolic was unexpected, The Empress was fucking unbelievable. Now I know why they sent a heady candle and bath bombs with the promotional package: you need a relaxing soak in the tub after reading something like this. ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ

The Last Magician - I waffled back and forth on whether I wanted to devote time to reading this. In theory, it sounded good. In practice, it was mildly entertaining. But if I'm being honest, it read like it was trying entirely too hard to be the next Six of Crows. Heisty and with a crew leader who resembled Kaz more than a little, it had its moments. But it was also supposed to occur during the early 1900s, and I just never felt like I was transported back to that time period. ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ

I See London, I See France - If you like a book with a definitive happily ever after, this is not the book for you. Most of the time, I'm okay with that, but considering Sydney's trip and the implications of her summer romance, I need some sort of closure. More than a few words in a text, at any rate. Beyond that, this book was fun. I've always wanted to backpack across Europe, and though I could have used way more description, it kind of felt like I was on said trip. And some of Syd's travel tips just might come in handy if I ever do get to make this trip one day. ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ

The Art of Feeling - This was a story of broken people trying to find their way back to normal, and though these stories are usually hit or miss for me, I found myself completely taken with this one. It beautifully contrasts the unending pain of a girl suffering both mentally and physically after a catastrophic accident with that of a boy who can literally feel no pain and hides inside himself to avoid any kind of emotional pain. Their interactions were adorable and weird and I loved them just the way they were. No romance necessary because these kids are SO not ready for it. Also, I loved the cast of secondary characters; they were just so genuine in their own grief and issues and made the story feel that much more full and heartfelt. I snorted. I teared up. I felt the things. Even looking back at the cover now makes me feel the things...if that's any indication of the power of this book. And I believe it is. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Invictus - I was absolutely certain this was going to be such a me book, especially after loving her Wolf by Wolf duology, but I just can't get into it. I got to a little more than the halfway point of the audio and I'm just so bored. I usually listen on my commute, but after starting this on Friday at work, I couldn't bring myself to listen on the way home and there was no impulse to keep listening over the weekend. Or on my way in this morning. So, I'm setting it aside for now. Time travel is usually my bag, so maybe it's just me and I'll enjoy it more when I come back to it some day. DNF...for now

Silver in the Blood - This was a bit of an underwhelming Dracula retelling. Mostly because there was no meat to the story and it was sooo slow to get to the heart of it. (Heh.) The narrative always felt surface level, never delving further to really capture my attention. And the two perspectives were written so similarly that it was hard to tell them apart. All in all, it was too cutesie and not at all the story I was hoping for. 🌟🌟

Devils & Thieves - You ever just know that a book is going to be for you but that you have to be in the right mood or frame of mind for it in order for it to work out that way? That's me and this book. I'd wanted to read it since I first heard about it, having loved Jennifer Rush's Altered series. But I read some mixed reviews and so I put it off. And put if off. Until yesterday when I decided I was ready for a little magic and some hot bikers. I was not disappointed! It's a little predictable and the characters are a little cookie-cutter, but I loved how the magic of the world was explained. There were a lot of different types of magic to keep track of, but it wasn't overwhelming, especially with the main character's sensitivity to it. And that ending! I would totally be okay with leaving off on that creepy note, totally left wondering, but I'm also glad to see that GR shows this is only the first book. This was such a fun story and I can't wait to see what's next for the Devils' League and their cohorts! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

T H E   H O L I D A Y   R E A D S

By Winter's Light - I've been wanting to try Stephanie Laurens out for awhile, and when I saw the holiday list on Hoopla, I thought, what better time? I love themed reads, especially holiday-themed stories with all the romance and festivities. But this one was just, well...nothing happened for the longest. And it was just so slow. Was this supposed to be more of a novella, like a bridge between the real couples featured in the series? If so, it should definitely have been shorter. 🌟🌟

The Trouble with Mistletoe - Many of my friends lurve Jill Shalvis. So, while I'm reading holiday novels to get in the Christmas spirit, I thought I'd give this one a try. My very first Jill Shalvis novel and it was an adorable romance about second chances and it definitely gave me the holiday feels but also it was maybe too angsty? It was pure banterfluff and totally adorkable until it came to what Willa wanted. That girl was spinning herself in circles, and while I was smiling and laughing through most of it, it was still not exactly what I wanted from the story. It did, however, make me keen to read the other companion novels in the series. So, now I'm on hold for a couple at the library. =) I mean, I did mention the banterfluff, didn't I? ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ

One Snowy Night - Meh. I get that this was a novella, but that tension was just too easily resolved. And if I hadn't read the previous book already, it would have been even worse coming into this story with no history of the animosity between these characters outside of this trip. Or maybe not? I don't know. It was also really saccharine sweet and I'm kinda in a sour mood today so that's not helping. Think I'll stay away from romance this week... ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ

T H E   C L A S S I C S

Cotillion - Okay, so this one wasn't narrated by Richard Armitage - *sigh* - but it's definitely high up on my list of favorites as far as Georgette Heyer is concerned. I loved the constant scheming of Miss Kitty Charring; reminded me a bit of Emma but in a more helpful, honest way. Poor Freddy was ill prepared for Kitty and really had no idea what he was signing on for, which was all the better. This story was clever and absolutely delightful and it's made me even more glad that I discovered loads more Heyer novels over on Hoopla. Huzzah!  ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ

Pride and Prejudice - A forever favorite. I read an article earlier this year about how Mrs. Bennett and Lydia Bennett were the most misunderstood characters, how they knew what they wanted and how to get it, and so I tried to re-read it taking that into consideration. I concede the point but I still find them utterly impossible to like to any degree. Still, they're part of what makes this story so excellent, so I can't fault them for it. =) ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ

Faro's Daughter - Challenge completed! This was book #250 for the year and also the perfect way to complete my GR reading challenge. There's just something about Georgette Heyer novels that makes my heart happy and leaves me smiling. It also made up for that crappy holiday book I read earlier today. A palate cleanser, if you will. But I digress. I really loved the hero's capacity for jumping to conclusions -- well, after he was basically goaded to it -- and the rampant miscommunication and constant scheming on the heroine's part. I think that last aspect is what makes Heyer's novels so fun. Completely unselfish plotting that makes me laugh. Just what I needed today. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Grand Sophy - What is it with me and scheming heroines? Especially Georgette Heyer's scheming heroines? :D I just can't seem to get enough of them. I thought at first that my fixation with these novels was due to Richard Armitage's narration, but even without it, I love them so! I especially adore Sophy the shocking matchmaker and her endeavors to see everyone paired up and happy. What a lively, entertaining story. I will have to wait until my Hoopla credits renew before I can embark on any further Georgette Heyer adventures, but lucky for me, that day is nigh. =) 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

R E - R E A D S

The Diabolic - So, so good, even upon a re-read. And so necessary before diving into The Empress, its sequel. ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ


Behind Her Eyes - Dude. What a total mindfuck. I'm actually kind of mad at my friend Sabrina for making me read this...and for making me finish it while we were on vacation and she was staying with me. "That ending, tho," she says. "You've got to read this NOW!" she says. And don't get me wrong, I was totally intrigued. I had a good theory. Everything was moving along well. Until that last fucking chapter. I really could have done without that. It just seemed so...EXTRA. Totally unnecessary. The absolute worst had already happened. Why take it there? I mean...I really, really liked it up to that point. I'm not usually a fan of thrillers. Maybe this is why... 🌟🌟🌟

The Sea King - I KNEW IT! Which is to say, this sequel was a little kinda fairly predictable at times. BUT, I enjoyed it. Not as much as the first book, per se, but still enough to continue the series, obviously. Which is kind of how I remember feeling while reading her Tairen Soul series: loved the first two books, felt so-so about the next two and then back to loving the last book. So, I have faith that I'll have fun with the rest of the series, even if I don't love every book. Especially the way this one left off. Still, I think I preferred the sections dedicated to Dilys' perspective, at least the first half of this book. Summer/Gabriella was just so...obstinate, refusing to fall in love simply because she might lose it. Love is always a risk, so it irked me that it took her so long to accept Dilys. Though it was romantic reading as he attempted to woo her. =) The second half of the book was definitely much more entertaining, full of battle and betrayal and revenge. I just wish I knew something, anything really, about the next book...especially since it'll probably forever until it's in my hands. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Have you read any of these? What did you think? Find any new titles to check out? ;0)

Until next time! Happy reading!


  1. That's too bad about Invictus! I read it a couple weeks ago and really enjoyed it. I thought the action did ramp up in the second half.

    1. Well, that definitely gives me hope that I'll have better luck when I do decide to pick it back up! I'm hoping that it was just a timing thing and I'll enjoy it more when I'm more in the mood for it.

  2. The Art of Feeling is one of my favorite reads this year. I loved it, but I must disclose - I am a fan of grief books. I agree with your about I See London. I actually HATE open endings. They make me nuts. I need closure, but I thought they had some fun adventures. I just wish the author had developed some things a little more.

    1. It was so good, right? I like grief books that leave me feeling hopeful. :) And same about I See London...more development would have been great, both plot and character-wise. I think you're the one who told me there's a second book, though, so maybe we'll see some of that in it.

  3. Pride and Prejudice is my forever favourite too :)

    1. Happy to hear that! It's just such a lovely story! =)

  4. Congrats on hitting your goal of 250 books! That's so awesome. A lot of these books are on my TBR, but I haven't read any of the ones you mentioned yet. It sounds like you found a few gems recently.

  5. Congrats on reading 250 books - that's incredible!

    I really want to read The Diabolic. I have a copy on my Kindle that I want to try to get to soon! *_*

  6. There are quite a few books of your list that i really want to read :)

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