Saturday, September 3, 2016

So, since my end-of-the-week post isn't just about what I got in my mailbox or on my Kindle each week -- though that is a big part of it, I won't lie -- I decided to change up the title and intro a bit.  I might tweak the format a bit over time, but for the most part, it'll contain the same stuff: stuff I got, stuff I did, and stuff that's coming up on the blog.  Plus, I get to use the awesome GIF you see here and blow kisses to all the people who sent me lovely books and bookish things.  Oh, and I've started linking up to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer since I'm not using a specific meme title anymore.
Eh, this week sucked. It was long as hell and the only thing that kept me going was knowing I had a three-day weekend to look forward to. But you'd better believe I'm going to make the most of it. :)

Okay, okay. On to the books. Here's what I scored this week...

From Publishers/For Review:

I have always loved the story of James and the Giant Peach and I love that this is one of Katie's favorite stories, as well. I can't wait to share our review with you next week in celebration of the Roald Dahl 100 Tour, which obviously means we get to watch the movie again, too. :)


I posted a #booksfortrade | Have You Seen This? post recently! I updated my lists, too! I have a different kind of post planned soon, FYI. I'm still looking for a few high profile ARCs, like Throne of Glass, On the Fence, and Scarlet (Gaughen), plus some other 2016 releases, including Wintersong and Traitor to the Throne, plus others.


Eleven Scandals to Start to Win a Duke's Heart (Love By Numbers, #3)No Good Duke Goes Unpunished (The Rules of Scoundrels, #3)Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover (The Rules of Scoundrels, #4)The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy (Smythe-Smith Quartet, #4)One Good Earl Deserves a Lover (The Rules of Scoundrels, #2)

Can you tell I'm still in a regency romance mood? :P

So, that's my haul. =) What fabulous bookmail did you get this week?

The Week in Review:


Holding Up the UniverseNevernight (The Nevernight Chronicle, #1)

Current Giveaways:

Promotional/Discussion Posts:

Currently Reading:

The Edge of EverythingI didn't read much of this earlier in the week because of sickness and the fact that I was supposed to be buddy-reading it, but that all went to hell when I picked it back up because it's compulsively readable and I find that I have a hard time making myself put it down to go to bed each night. In other words, it's pretty good. =)

Currently Listening:

The Young Elites (The Young Elites, #1)Gettin' my re-read on via audio. I remember this one pretty well because this is not my first re-read, but I definitely need a re-read of The Rose Society before starting The Midnight Star, which I've been dying to read since it arrived on my doorstep last week.

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  1. Sorry you had a bad week. I hope your long weekend is better! The Edge of Everything sounds great! I want to read The Young Elites asap! I need a new series on audio, so maybe I'll use a credit on it. :)

  2. Sorry you had a bad week. I hope you love your long weekend. You can get a lot done this upcoming weekend. I had a bad two weeks. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. Happy Labor Day! Hopefully the holiday weekend will make you feel better. Girl, I love HR as well! I've not read any of those, but I have a few of them. I liked The Young Elites (and The Rose Society) a lot! Nevernight as well. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Jen. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Here's to a better weekend! So many wonderful books. I wish all I had to do was read and read and...Plan on doing only what I want to this weekend too:)

    My Sunday Post

  5. The Edge of Everything sounds good! Hope you have a good week coming up!
    Check out my Sunday Post


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