Thursday, June 9, 2016

Have You Seen This? | #booksfortrade - Updated 6.9.16

Big shout-out to Andi at Andi's ABCs and Brittany at The Book Addict's Guide for putting together such an awesome feature and helping the rest of us realize our dream of book hoarding collecting, lol.

Still hoping to trade for some of the ARCs I seriously covet while also culling some books that I've already read or no longer plan to collect and keep in my "library".

I've created an ARC wishlist on Goodreads, but here is a list of my most wanted ARCs to complete my collections:

ARC of Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
ARC of Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen
ARC of The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab
ARC of Asunder by Jodi Meadows
ARC of On the Fence by Kasie West

Of course, I'm also willing to trade newer ARCs for newer ARCs. ;)

ARC of Bright Smoke, Cold Fire by Rosamund Hodge
ARC of Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones
ARC of Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
ARC of Vicarious by Paula Stokes
ARC of Replica by Lauren Oliver
ARC of The Diabolic by S.J. Kincaid
ARC of The Sleeping Prince by Melinda Salisbury
ARC of The King Slayer by Virginia Boecker

And finished copies for finished copies. Here's that wishlist. Those listed above are just some of the ARCs that remain the most elusive from my collection.

Recent successful amazing trades (aw, yeah!):

ARC of Cinder by Marissa Meyer (Thanks, Sabrina!!!!)
ARC of Scarlet by Marissa Meyer (Thanks, Beth!!!!)
ARC of A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab
ARC of Vicious by V.E. Schwab (Thanks, Jessica!)
ARC of Slasher Boys and Monster Girls by April Genevieve Tucholke (Thanks, Rachel!)
ARC of Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke (Thanks, Nicole!)
ARC of Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers (Thanks, Rachel!)
ARC of The Mirror King by Jodi Meadows (Thanks, Lisa!)
ARC of Girl Against the Universe by Paula Stokes
ARC of When We Collided by Emery Lord (Thanks, Sabrina!!!!)
ARC of My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton & Jodi Meadows
ARC of Rebel Sands by Alwyn Hamilton (the one with the simple blue cover)
ARC of The Rose and the Dagger by Renee Ahdieh (Thanks, Crystal, Bridget & Liz!!!!)
ARC of Caraval by Stephanie Garber
ARC of Blood for Blood by Ryan Graudin
ARC of Gemina by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
ARC of A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess
ARC of A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir

And below are pictures of what I have available for trade. I also have this trade list, as well as a comprehensive wishlist (2nd tab).

2016 ARCs

highly sought after ARCs
(for these, I will *only* entertain offers from the above wishlist of coveted ARCs)

2015 ARCs

2014 and older ARCs

finished copies - paperback

finished copies - hardcover

I'd be willing to ship multiple books for anything on my highly coveted list of ARCs above -- unless you're also seeking a highly sought after ARC, in which case it's one for one -- if that helps any. =) Also, if you have something on my wishlist that you'd be willing to trade but don't see anything you want among my offerings, still hit me up because I might be willing to part with something not shown here. =D

I'll continue using the #booksfortrade feed as well, but I thought I'd spread the word a bit more here on the blog, too. If you want to make a trade, comment below, email me at mrsjbruce at gmail dot com, or hit me up on Twitter at @starryeyedjen.

For the tl;dr crowd, the books I have for trade are pictured above and this is my ARC wishlist. This is my finished copy wishlist. =) I reserve the right to refuse any trade. I might also be willing to trade multiple items for the right trade. :D

Thanks for taking a look and potentially helping a book hoarder achieve her dreams of allthebooks!


  1. I love this concept!! Too bad it's just ARCs (I don't have many of those yet lol) I thought when I saw the title that it was books you traded in and got more (I have been doing that lately. It's good to clean out the shelves and pass them on to someone who hasn't read them yet). Enjoy!

    Stop by and say hi!
    (I'm a new GFC follower and will be stopping back again!)

    1. Oh, it isn't just ARCs; I have two pictures of hardcovers and paperbacks I want to trade, and a link to my wishlist for those, as well. It's just that the ones I'm finding harder to get tend to be ARCs.

  2. I immediately thought of this when I read your post:

    I'm really disappointed in how this community has changed. When did everything start revolving around the "highly sought after ARCs"? No harsh feelings toward you Jen. I'm just really confused how book blogging turned into ARC status symbol seeking. Everything is so different now.

    1. I saw that post. But I don't think the community has changed that much. We've always been book collectors. We just have a place to do it more easily now. But with the influx of new bloggers and more platforms to share our love of books, it's even harder to get the advance copies that some of us so desperately desire. So why not trade for them? I get tons of unsolicited books that I'd love to put in the hands of someone who REALLY wants to read them. And in turn, I hope that there's someone out there who wants to trade a book that I REALLY want to read and add to my collection.

      To some extent, this community has always been about the ARCs. But instead of begging and pleading with publishers to send us copies, we now have a place to request them from our peers. Why is that wrong? Why does it upset so many people, when I don't see how it affects them if they're not also using the tag to search for books they want?
