Friday, October 2, 2015

Harry Potter Spells Book Tag

We weren't tagged by anyone to do this book tag, but we saw it on Lovin' Los Libros and couldn't help ourselves. Harry Potter is life! Huge props to Kim at Kimberly Faye Reads and Betsy of BookNerd Betsy for creating this awesome tag! It's so fun and reminds us of all the spell-casting we did at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter earlier this year with our families. :)

1. An upcoming release you wish you could get your hands on right now.

Wink Poppy Midnight

Jen: I love April Genevieve Tucholke's novels...they're so dark and atmospheric and lovely all at the same time. I just read the anthology of creepy reads she put together and I highly recommend.


April: I need this book so bad. Like, yesterday. The cliff hanger from Golden Son was cray cray. Love this series... cannot wait for this conclusion. :)

2. Favorite Series Starter

The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle, #1)

Jen: I think the fact that I've already read this book four or five times now -- I re-read it before each new book is released -- is proof positive that this is one of my all-time favorite one of my all-time favorite authors. (I'm going to try really hard not to list a Maggie book for every category. :D)


April: Hands down, The Hunger Games. To this day it's still my favorite series. This book left me breathless. I still get chills thinking about it.

3. A book that gave you all the warm fuzzies.

The Anatomical Shape of a Heart

Jen: This book was beyond what I want from a heart-warming contemporary story. It hit all the right notes and left me in a state of bliss when I was done. You should definitely check it out when it releases next month.


April: This book was adorable. My smile was pretty much non stop through the whole thing.

4. A book that made you ugly cry.

All the Bright Places

Jen: I knew it was coming but I still bawled my eyes out. On the road, as I listened on my commute, no less. I'll wager I was a sight that day.


April: Like Jen, My ugly cry book was while on the road. I can't imagine what people must have thought while I was passing them on the highway. Maybe One Day is an amazing story about friendship, and it will forever hold a special place in my heart, even though it turned me into a blubbering idiot.

5. Bookish hero or heroine you want around to protect you in real life.

Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass, #4)

Jen: I can't think of anyone I'd want watching my back more than that fire-breathing bitch queen. =)


April: Rose, obviously because she kicks major ass.

6. A book you intentionally spoiled for yourself.

Bloodrose (Nightshade, #3)

Jen: Someone else actually spoiled this one for me, but I think subconsciously, I went looking for that spoiler to see if it was worth finishing the series. It was not.


April: When I heard there was gonna be a movie... I was excited. I watched the trailer and though, yes... this look great. I started the book and was really annoyed with it from the get go, so I skimmed to the end, "like barely read". Didn't miss much. So many people love his writing, but I have trouble getting into it.

7. A book you wish you could make everyone read because you loved it so much.

The Scorpio Races

Jen: I am a serious Maggie fangirl. I've read this book nearly ten times over the years, and that's after letting it sit untouched on my shelf for awhile. Bad, Jen, bad. I've also bought this book for quite a few people and forced others to succumb to the temptation of hearing Sean Kendrick on audio, and no one has yet to tell me it was a bad decision.


April: I still love this book so much. It's what started my obsession with reading every thing she writes.

8. A book or series you wish never ended.

Shadows (The Rephaim, #1)

Jen: I'm not ready to be done with Gaby and Rafa and all of the other Rephaim. Reading the final book in this series earlier this summer just about ended me. I could read about these characters' exploits forever and ever.


April: There was always talk of how she wrote this book intending to add two more to it. It's left open ended enough so that she can. I loved The Host. I wish she would write more from this world because it's awesome.

9. A book with an uplifting ending or message.

Every Last Word

Jen: This book was just beautiful, but then again, so is everything else Tamara writes.


April: The ending to this story, is amazing. I don't know if I've ever read a more perfect ending. It made my heart burst. <3 <3 <3

10. A book you wish you could forget you ever read.

The Selection (The Selection, #1)

Jen: It was just as bad as everyone said it was, and yet I found it compulsively readable and was utterly disgusted with myself for it. :( I especially wish I hadn't finished the series, and that I didn't know that there is a spin-off because I'm just messed up enough to give it a go...


April: If I could get those hours of my life back, that would be great. This whole book is garbage.

11. An author whose books always get you out of a slump.

The Fill-In Boyfriend

Jen: Kasie's books are always fun and light-hearted and guaranteed to get me outta whatever funk the last book I read put me in.


April: If I'm having trouble getting into books, I know I can always drop everything and get sucked right into a Dessen. I still have a few on reserve to read for just those times. :)

12. A swoon-worthy hero or heroine.

Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1)

Jen: So many to choose from, but at the top of my list would have to be Raffe. A demi-god angel warrior who protects the daughter of man? Plus banter and swagger to go along with that? Sign. Me. Up!


April: *sigh* Ash, the Winter Prince from the Iron Fey series. Love him forever and always. It's really a toss up between him and Dimitri from The Vampire Academy series.

13. A book that caused you to stop doing all other things until you finished it.

A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)

Jen: I mean, I could probably answer this one with any of Sarah J. Maas's books, but this one really got me. DYING for the second book.


April: There are so many books that have made me do this, so I'll go with my most recent. OMG, this book.

14. A book that was painful to read (for whatever reason) or broke you.

The Sea of Tranquility

Jen: This book. Whenever I need a good cry, I know I'm golden with this one. It's so heart-breaking and intense...and that ending!


April: Covet isn't necessarily a sad book, but I connected with it rather deeply. It reminds me of a dark time in my life. If I ever need that reminder again, I know to pick this up.

15. A book that had you laughing out loud.

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Jen: Simon was so freaking adorkable. I actually think I need a re-read of this one because it was too cute.


April: This series is a gem. I thank Jen for bringing it to my attention. It's been a while since I've read a book that made me laugh as much as this one.

16. A book that made you want to send it (or your e-reader) flying.

Oblivion (Nevermore, #3)

Jen: I waited forever to finally start this series, and the first book was pretty good. The second was very much a middle book in that it didn't really progress the story all that much, but the final installment was completely lackluster and utterly not worth my time. So much what's real and what's not going on in that last book and I just got so frustrated with it.


April: This was and will forever be the last Abbi Glines book I ever read. With every book she writes, they get worse and worse. Asshole cheating douche bags, and sad pitiful no back boned bitches who love to be disrespected. It's crap I tell ya!

17. Bookish world you wish you could visit.

Lair of Dreams (The Diviners, #2)

Jen: I've always loved the 20s -- I feel like I might have lived a previous life in that era -- but add to that cool cats like Evie and Sam and Theta plus magical powers to boot and I might never leave!


April: Space!!!!! I love space. I love books that take place in space, and if I could live out there exploring different worlds, I would do it in a second. :)

18. A book with a shocking twist or ending.

Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1)

Jen: This entire book was pretty shocking and insane. I can't wait for everyone else to read it! It's amazing, and I'm sure I'll be grabbing the audio so I can experience it all over again when it releases later this month.


April: So many twists and turns in this book. I ended it thinking, "WTF did I just read." It was one hell of a ride. Loved it.

19. A character death that destroyed you.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7)

Jen: I may never get over the death of Dobby. That little house elf deserved a far better fate. Katie and I still cry when he dies every single time we watch the movie.


April: The death at the end broke my heart. I won't say who, only because the last part of the movie isn't out.. but those of you who have read this series know exactly who I'm referring to.

20. Best series conclusion.

The Bitter Kingdom (Fire and Thorns, #3)

Jen: Hard to choose because I've finished up a lot of series as of late, but not only was this a worthy conclusion but HECTORRRRRR!!! :D

Breaking Dawn (Twilight, #4)

April: Breaking Dawn wasn't loved by all, but it was my favorite of all of them. Maybe it was because I had just birthed my daughter shortly before it hit shelves. This is another series I would like to see more written.

That was SO much fun! We need to do more tags together, April! I discovered a lot about you just from reading your answers to those questions. ;0)

We're not tagging anybody, so it's a free for all! Anyone who loves Harry Potter like we do is welcome! =)

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