Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday: My Favorite Book Nerds

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =) We're game.

This week's topic is the Ten Characters Who Are Fellow Book Nerds (love reading, are writers, work at a bookstore, etc.):

Jen's Picks:

At first, I found it kind of difficult to think of nerdy characters I loved, even though I thought this topic would be super easy. But once I got going, I discovered way more than ten. I was able to narrow it down to just ten favorites though (books, not characters…there are a few couples in my list, lol): Hermione, Kami, Celaena, Josie, Beth & Lincoln, Elizabeth, Julia, Lara Jean, Paige & Max, and Cath & Levi. =)

Which novels made your list? Be sure to share a link to your TTT post so we can visit!


  1. Great list! We have a lot in common. Attachments is a great choice and Pride & Prejudice of course.
    Cassi @ MyThoughts Literally

  2. I have Hermione and Celaena on my list, but sadly, I still need to read all the rest of the books on yours! Hopefully I'll get to them soon!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  3. Hermione and Cath were on my list too! Almost put Celaena on my list haha, great picks ladies :-)

    Here's my TTT if you would like to check it out :-) Have a great day!

    Emma @ Emma's Bookery

  4. Hermione was one of the first ones I thought of!
    I need to read Jenny's books...
    My list http://amandanicolle.blogspot.com/2015/07/take-ten_27.html?m=1

  5. Great picks! Cath made my list and I love the inclusion of Lara Jean!!

    My TTT
