Sunday, April 19, 2015

Stacking the Shelves # 63

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is a way to share with everyone all the goodies you've received through out the week. 

Just click the covers to be taken to their goodreads pages. 


Since You've Been Gone

I loved this book in Audio, so I had to grab it when Amazon put it up as a kindle deal. :)

For Review


I'm very hesitant to take review books these days, but this one looks so darn interesting.

It's been gorgeous this week, so Friday night I took Aubrey and her Bestie to the playground by our lake. :) 

Hope you all have a great week!


  1. I really enjoyed Since You've Been Gone - it's a great YA contemporary with a cute romance and a plot which kept me captivated. Dreamland looks interesting - I've read books with a focus on dreamwalking before that were pretty good, but it depends on how it's done with explanations and how 'inception-like' it is.

    Hope you enjoy your new reads, thanks for sharing :)

    Eugenia @ Genie In A Book

  2. Love, love Since You've Been Gone. I hope you'll do as well.

    Happy reading!

  3. Dreamland looks really good! I have been cutting down on digital ARCs lately, (got my netgalley up to 89%!). I still have plenty enough to keep me busy. I love the pics of your girl and her friend on the water, those are so pretty. Yeah for Spring!

  4. Oooh, it looks like your girl and her friend had a nice time! Hopefully you did as well.

    Seeing this reminds me I need to pick up a copy of Since You've Been Gone. Dreamland looks very interesting, so hopefully you enjoy!!

  5. Oooh, that Dreamland looks pretty good! Looks like some beautiful weather there! Great pictures.

    Check out my Sunday Post
