Sunday, September 7, 2014

Stacking The Shelves # 32

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and is a way to share with everyone all the goodies you've received through out the week. 

Just click the covers to be taken to their goodreads pages. 


Life as we Knew it

Just one book this week. I already have the first three to this series in HB on my shelf. Slowly though, I'm adding them all to my kindle. It was the kindle daily deal last weekend so I could not resist. I especially loved this story because it's told around my area and as far as natural disasters go, it scared the living shit out of me.

For Review

suspicionPrincess of Thorns

(Thank you Random House Kids!)

I'm so excited that I was approved for both of these. The covers are gorgeous and both are retellings of two of my fav stories. :) Or at least loosely based retellings.. I think..:)

Hey everyone ! I hope you all had wonderful week. At least it was a short one because of Labor day. We kept our holiday low key and just spent time at home. No picnics for us, just a yummy seafood lunch on our deck. 

It was so freaking delicious. 

 Second week of school for the little one and she's already bring stuff home to work on. Sight words... again. lol I feel more confident starting this year out with her though, because last year we had no idea what to expect. 

The garden is really starting to look dead, but it's cranking out those tomato's still, and really weird shaped cucumbers. I think it's just because of the cooler temps we have had up here. A few of my friends who also garden have mentioned theirs looking the same. Weird. 

I can't believe it's September already! 

In just a few weeks, this will be my view walking out the front door!

Summer is over, so we might as well embrace it! I want to start putting all the Halloween things up already. The stores have it all out, so why can't I!

Have a great week! 


  1. Trees in my area already have leaves starting to fall, its bizarre. I'm so ready for fall it is my favorite time of year. As for the books you picked up some really good ones this week though I don't think I've heard of Suspicion before. I hope you enjoy them all :)

  2. Yay -- Netgalley twins :)
    I have a lot of veggies too -- from a CSA not a garden :(
    I think I will make some soup...
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  3. Yay-Suspicion twins....

    Look at those beautiful veggies. Feels good to grow something. Great haul. Have a lovely weekend.


  4. Life as We Knew It is sooooooooooooooooo good!!

  5. I can't believe it is September already, either! Summer flew by!

    I didn't get Princess of Thorns because I felt I had too many other books on my plate, but after seeing it around the blogosphere I am starting to regret that.

  6. I got Suspicion and Princess of Thorns too and I'm excited for them!

  7. I got Princess of Thorns (!!!!) and Suspicion too - can't wait to read them! Happy reading, April. :)
