Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Confession Time

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =) We're game.

This week's topic is the Top Ten Blogging Confessions:

April's Picks:

Jen's Picks:

There you have it: our little quirks and no-no's when it comes to reading and blogging. =D

Got something to confess? Spill! :D Be sure to share a link to your TTT post so we can visit!


  1. That's really interesting how you two are pretty much opposites when it comes to DNF-ing! I'm in between...I loathe finishing books I hate (because my reviews always end up ranty) but I'm too twitchy to leave them unfinished. >_< I feel guilty about not getting books read by release dates too!
    My TTT!

    1. Lol, yeah, I have no shame.. I'm like... "That book sucks.. lets DNF bitches!"

      Jen is the much more professional blogger here. :)

  2. I love your lists :)
    If I had a treadmill I'd totally read while walking on it.
    And I totally love the idea of spreadsheets.
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

    1. Jen is awesome with her spreadsheets. I just have a botched up word document. lol. :)

  3. Great confessions, ladies! I'm more similar to April in that I DNF A LOT, and I also prefer ebooks to physical ones. And I would never dog-ear a page in a book! *gasp* Oh Jen, how could you?! :-P

    1. *High Five* DNF is the way to go. Aint nobody got time for shitty books. lol

  4. I check the Kindle daily deals every day too! I am addicted. I keep thinking the day I don't check it, will be the day that it is one that I really want. And I end up buying books that are the daily deal that I might not have originally bought before.
    Having a treadmill would be a good reason to listen to more audiobooks!
    I tend to judge books by the covers as well. I try really hard not to. But when I see a cover I just absolutely love, I automatically add it to my GoodReads TBR shelf.
    Both of the lists are great!

    1. haha, I'm so freaking glad I'm not alone! I feel that way too. And it's happened to me. One day I forgot and it was a book I really wanted. I was devastated and now I have a complex. And heck yea to the treadmill. I really could lose a few pounds, and why not do it while enjoying myself.

      I really must get on the hubby to buy me one. :)

  5. I love these! And I don't know where to begin because I want to comment on everything. April - I ran on the treadmill with an audio book yesterday. But I was at the gym. You need to make that happen! Also, I go to the library several times a week. But they do have free kids programs. I wish I was better about writing reviews right away, and I LOVE that sometimes you read a book so you can write a negative review. There's something cathartic about that.

    Jen - You are amazing with your organization! I envy you. I have a spread sheet that I try to stay on top of. I spend all spare moments reading too, and my husband sometimes is like "are you going to talk to me?" Then I have to turn it off and refocus. Sometimes it's hard to get out of my headspace! I'm trying not to feel guilty if I don't read a book in time. I mean, later publicity is good too. Sometimes it resurges interest. And YAY for library audio lending. Does yours do playaways? I sometimes I like those, sometimes they feel limiting. Digital downloads are better. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Oh my gosh, I'm so jealous of your treadmill abilities! They are just so darn expensive. And I dont' have any gyms near me. Which blows. I'm planning on taking my daughter down to the library next week. We are always so busy on saturdays so we haven't been able to get down there, but she's out of school now, so I'll take her one of the days I'm off with her. :)

  6. Jen, I am in love with your last confession! I love to bookmark and add marks or underline my favorite quotes. I love when a book looks like it's been well read. Also, I own about 600 physical books right now, I don't even want to know how many I've read.

    April, I will not hesitate to DNF and I don't feel guilty either and I hate reading physical books too. Takes me forever!

    1. Another DNFer! So happy to see so many of you! :) Physical books hurt my wrists. I'm out of shape. lol.
