Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Cover Trends We Can{not} Get Enough Of

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish. Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =) We're game.

This week's topic is the Top Ten Cover Trends We Can{not} Get Enough Of:

April's Picks:

Jen's Picks:

The Ones I'm Pretty Much Over

Yeah, I know this one's pretty standard, but I'm still tired of the pretty dress covers, pretty as they may be.

Whether they're in profile or full-on, I'm over the big ole talking heads staring back at me when I look at my book covers.

Trends I Kinda Still Like

I don't like feet in general, but I like cute shoes or the insinuation that a couple is doing something cute and sweet because of the way they're standing. =)

Call it the kid in me, but I still favor illustrated covers above all others. Maybe because they allow me to picture what the characters look like myself. Maybe because they're whimsical. Whatever the reason, I love them.

My moniker is starryeyedjen for a reason. :D But stars and skyscapes as backgrounds just make for some of the most beautiful book covers.

What trends do you like/dislike? Be sure to share a link to your TTT post so we can visit!


  1. Illustrated covers are my favorite too! I just really love minimalistic, typographical designs. The hidden faces trend is one of my favorites as well!

    1. The minimalist covers are my absolute favorite. They leave more to the imagination than your standard cover.

  2. Crazy hair covers annoy me! Is it an advert for shampoo or what? I always get confused between the Uninvited cover and the Panic cover too, because they're both just blonde girls flicking their hair against a black background. How is that relevant to the story?

    1. Haha...I also confuse the Uninvited and Panic covers because of this. And I agree; I want the cover to be at least *somewhat* relevant to the story. Which is why I'm not such a big fan of the pretty dresses covers either.

  3. I can't get enough of stars and galaxy covers. They're absolutely THE BEST. x) It makes me just want to read all the sci-fi books of ever for the awesome covers! I love pretty dresses too. I'm such a sucker for books like The Winner's Curse and These Broken Stars. x)
    My TTT!

    1. Those are probably my favorites, too, followed closely by the minimalist covers. TWC and TBS have some of the most gorgeous covers ever, even if they do feature one of my least favorite trends: the pretty dress. At least they're both relevant to the story, though. :)

  4. The hidden faces covers are gorgeous! I quite like Girls In Pretty Dresses on the cover as long as they are done right. That cover for Shatter Me is awful (the one with the girl in the white dress). I love some of your illustrated cover picks!

    Check out my TTT!

    Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination

    1. Yeah, I'm glad they went in a new direction with the Shatter Me series covers, even if it means my HC of the first book doesn't match the rest of them. :(

  5. I love the pretty STARS!!! And YAY for someone else liking the hair!! Those Illustrated books you have up there are pretty awesome as well!! Marco Impossible, love that one!!!

    My TTT

    1. It's a tie between the stars and illustrated covers for me...I love both trends so much!

  6. Whoa. So in depth! Well, love the hair, shoes, hidden faces. Not a fan of gowns. :/

    1. I'm not a fan of the gowns either, unless they actually appear in the story at some point,like with These Broken Stars.

  7. Thanks...we decided to get a little fancy this week. :)

  8. I love illustrated covers as well, but I also love girls in pretty dresses so long as the dress is pretty (the Shatter Me and Sweet Reckoning dresses don't do it for me but The Winner's Curse on the other hand does).

    Here's mine TTT

    1. I love TWC cover, too...it's pretty, but she also goes to a ball so it kind of relates to the story. I don't like pretty dress covers when there's not a single pretty dress in the book. Or when they just don't fit the story at all.

  9. I really like those maps! No place to fall looks so cute :) Illustrated covers are also my favorite type of covers, that's why I really like MG books, haha. The evolution of.. is pretty, with all those details around the edge!


    1. I LOVE the cover for The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate...it looks gorgeous! I like MG covers because they leave more to the imagination.

  10. I have a thing for the crazzy ass hair covers! I like the hidden faces and starry covers too.

    1. It seems a lot of people love the crazy hair covers!

  11. I love all the galaxy/star covers! They are some of my favorites. Across a Star-Swept Sea is super pretty too. Oh, and Plus One. I'm hate the covers with huge heads/faces too. A) It's boring and original, and B) I like to imagine for myself what the characters look like.
    Great lists, ladies!

    1. They're some of my favorites, too, for sure. I love seeing them on my shelves. And that's exactly why I don't like the faces on the covers...I want to envision what the characters look like, and a lot of times, the cover model looks nothing like the character in the story, which is kinda bonkers.

  12. Yeah, I totally agree with the crazy ass hair and the stars... Those are found on almost every cover! But I love it, so many of them can be so beautiful, and what's better than reading an amazing book with a stunning cover that leaves you head over heels?! Ahh... Perfection, even though they say we shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

    1. Oh, I TOTALLY judge books by their covers. I don't mean to, but it's so hard. I rely on my friends and fellow bloggers to tell me when I've judged wrong. :)

  13. Illustrated covers are the best! I just LOVE how thoughtful and creative they tend to be. Rainbow Rowell has some of the best covers around. But my ultimate favorite is Kendare Blake's Anna Dressed in Blood. I appreciate all the little details that went into that illustrated cover! It's just perfect for the series, because it sets a chilling yet inviting tone. Plus, it's like nothing I've ever seen before. Ahhh! I love it!

    Ohhh, I agree, Jen. Starry covers are so beautiful! The cover of These Broken Stars is a favorite of mine too! It looks so pretty on my shelf. :)

    And going back to the hidden faces cover trend, I had no idea The Walled City had a hidden face in it. haha! Thanks for pointing it out, April. It's quite lovely, actually!

    Fantastic picks this week, ladies!

    Marlene @ The Flyleaf Review

    1. Right? They're among my favorites, for sure. Rainbow Rowell's covers are always so stinking adorable. I like ANNA, too, but for the purposes of this post, I was going with the more minimalistic covers. :) Oh, and I didn't notice the hidden face in The Walled City until April pointed it out the other day. I love that!
