Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: I Do NOT Want To Go To There

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish.  Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =)  We're game.

This week's list features the Top Ten Worlds I'd Never Want To Live In:

April's picks:


When I started making this list, I probably had about 4 zombie books in mind. Which is funny, because if I don't want to live in that world, why do I keep reading them? lol. So Hunger Games is obvious. I'm not into killing people. Red Rising, holy crap that government is so corrupt, I want none of that! Life as We Knew It takes place where I live and I could actually see it happening someday! Natural disasters are SCARY! Delirium, I imagine living in a world where love is not acceptable would suck. Angelfall, Stung and The Immortal rules have some very creepy shizz. No thank you!

And last of all, Fifty Shades. I would never want to live in that world, because I prefer to eat when I want, not when I'm told, and I am all about handling my lady business on my own. :)

Jen's picks:

The 5th Wave (The 5th Wave, #1)Masque of the Red Death (Masque of the Red Death, #1)Reboot (Reboot, #1)Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1)Proxy (Proxy, #1)Not a Drop to Drink The Program (The Program, #1)Wither (The Chemical Garden, #1)Ashes (Ashes Trilogy, #1)The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden, #1)

Okay, I was only going to pick my top five, but apparently, there are a lot of worlds I'd rather not live in. For example, I do not want to live on an Earth that is being inundated with aliens hell-bent on destroying the human race and keeping the planet for themselves. I also don't want to live in a world where disease has decimated the population and the only way to survive is by wearing a mask that only the very wealthiest can afford.  A world where humans can reanimate after death -- and where the longer you were out before awakening makes you more impressive -- is not a place for me.  And don't even get me started on evil angels who create "locusts" from human beings, seeking to bring about the Apocalypse.  Then there's that age-old custom of whipping boys...wouldn't want to be one, couldn't bring myself to have one.

In Not a Drop to Drink, clean, drinkable water is hard to come by, and it's kill or be killed to get it.  Having my memory erased so that I'm not a suicide risk is not an option, nor is being told that I will most certainly die at age 20 and that I must help repopulate the Earth by being one of several sister wives to the guy whose father is searching for a cure. Zombies, those created after death or by an EMP, will not be tolerated.  And I just can't see living in a world where my life is constantly threatened by the existence of vampires...or werewolves or werebears or anything resembling those abominations.  Unless I was one.  :P

I can never resist a Dr. Who GIF.  =)  Esp. not this one.

So, which worlds would you rather avoid?  Share the link to you TTT post so we can visit!


  1. The Not a Drop to Drink world is somewhere I never wanna live. I do not want to thirst to death or kill people for water. Also Life as We Knew It as well. Natural disasters freak me out and I don't want to even think about that happening in my lifetime. And LOL to 50 Shades. Haven't read that, but DON'T want to. No thanks to someone being controlled like that.

    My TTT

  2. I totally forgot about Angelfall and I just finished it last night! It gave me one of the worst nightmares I've had in a while... I loved Penryn's character though. I know that I wouldn't survive The Hunger Games. I would just give up if I saw a Tracker Jacker nest.

  3. LOL Fifty Shades. Oh my God, I'm cracking up, April. That's amazing.

  4. Not a Drop to Drink, Wither, and Delirium all made my list. I really want to read Red Rising! And I almost put Masque of the Red Death on mine, I just can't imagine that kind of world. All of these are terrifying. But now I'm just mostly scared of Fifty Shades. I haven't read it and I won't ever, but your reasons really solidified that for me! Thanks!

  5. I wouldn't want to live in the hunger games either.

  6. I cannot believe I forgot The Program and Delirium! Those worlds *cringes* And the thing about dystopian worlds is that some of them are VERY plausible, which is scary. I could see us being a horrible dystopian society. I only read a part of Not a Drop to Drink (I kinda got distracted and had to return it...) and I could NEVER do that either. No water? I'd panic and be the first to die.

  7. Awesome dr who gif btw. I chose Wither and Masque of the Red Death too. I wish I had thought about the Forest of Hands and Teeth, that's a good one!
    My TTT

  8. I definitely feel ya on Angelfall! That one made my list too! lol
    check out mine :) http://bookhangoversbb.blogspot.com/

  9. Delirium, The Forrest... and The Hunger Games made my list to. Great list!
    Here is My Top 10 Tuesday

  10. You guys hit on all the ones I could think of. So me worlds I'd never want to live in. Again..perfect utilization of a David Tennant gif. Just want to snuggle him :-( I really can't think of a world you've not listed.

  11. I totally have the worlds of NOT A DROP TO DRINK and the Chemical Garden trilogy on my list. No way no how would I make it in those worlds!

  12. I love that you included Fifty Shades! I wish I had thought of that. No way would I want to live with an abusive ass who told me what I could and couldn't do. I would rather be single forever.

    I also can't believe that I forgot Not A Drop to Drink! Major fail.

    A+ for the Ten gif *sobs*

  13. I think basically I don't wanna go into any dystopian or post-apocalyptic world--I'm not made for all the struggles to survive, as much as I like reading about them! Although I dunno, I might be tempted if there's a Raffe waiting for me. Maybe. ;)

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  14. Once I started making my list I noticed the trend Wendy just mentioned, they are all dystopian or post-apocalyptic. My favorite genre but least favorite worlds to live in which is not surprising. Zombies and Aliens though are up there on things I never want to encounter.

    Ashley @ The Quiet Concert

  15. As soon as I saw Fifty Shades I started laughing my butt off, hilarious! And love the Dr. Who GIF. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Thanks for sharing this with us. I have also a list of books which I dont like and zombie books are included in it. Now it's time to avail call center in Lahore for more information.

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