Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Best Sequels Ever

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the awesome ladies at The Broke and the Bookish.  Apparently, they are overly fond of list-making and love to share their bookish lists with the rest of us book nerds.  =)  I'm game.

This week's list features the Top Ten Best Sequels Ever:

The Crown of Embers (Fire and Thorns, #2)The Dream Thieves (The Raven Cycle, #2)Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass, #2)Siege and Storm (The Grisha, #2)Unravel Me (Shatter Me, #2)Everbound (Everneath, #2)Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles, #2)World After (Penryn & the End of Days, #2)Through the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky, #2)Days of Blood & Starlight (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #2)

Um, it appears that even though I already knew I loved fantasy best of all, I really, really love fantasy sequels.  :D

Oh, and honorable mention goes to these guys:

Dark Triumph (His Fair Assassin, #2)The Eternity Cure (Blood of Eden, #2)Rebel Heart (Dust Lands, #2)Hallowed (Unearthly, #2)The Dead-Tossed Waves (The Forest of Hands and Teeth, #2)

This is my first Top Ten Tuesday, so go easy on me...I tried to narrow it down to ten, I really did!  =)


  1. That's an amazing list. I know how difficult it is to narrow it down.

  2. Scarlet was absolutely amazing! I'm not convinced it outshone Cinder, exactly, but I really did love it. Thorne...!!

  3. I have not read one of these books. I feel bad :p

  4. 1. It is impossible to list only ten.
    2. I see many rule breakers for TTT ;). No worries, Jen!
    3. YES FOR FANTASY SEQUELS. I think that's because one of the best aspects of fantasy gets expanded: the world-building. Part of our innate love for fantasy just comes to life with so many more details to make it feel real.
    4. *Sigh* would you believe that I still haven't read Crown of Embers? I think it was at the beginning of the summer that I'd reviewed the first and you and others told me the 2nd is better and I'm still waiting for my friend to return the book.
    5. TDT > TRB? *gasp* But actually I think I'm in the minority who liked the first better than TDT. I also remember reading your review but early morning and too-tired Christina does not quite remember the reasons you'd listed for liking TDT more.
    6. CROWN OF MIDNIGHT. CHAOL. SIX BOOKS. That is all <3.
    7. Me too on Unravel Me! I'm actually still kind of conflicted about that whole series, but I thought UM was more solid on the whole. Did you read Destroy Me too? Did you see the news that Adam's getting a novella before IM comes out?
    8. I heard that Everbound was better o.O. It seemed widely agreed upon in the blogosphere. Is it one of your favorites of all time? I saw that happen too. And hmmmm, I may have to disagree with you on Scarlet. I am going to guess that you liked the Wolf/Scarlet dynamic more than Cinder/Kai, though I think I'm the opposite :P. OORRRR wait wait wait, is it Thorne that convinced you otherwise? Hmm.
    9. DAMN. You teased about World After! One of your posts currently open in my browser for comments is the teaser on WA. But you can't say it's better already!!!! Not without your review for that one being up yet!! *pouts*
    10. I am reading Through the Ever Night soon! So excited. AND YES YES YES to Days of Blood and Starlight being better! I think you and I are in the minority on that since a lot of people seemed to say it was too depressing, etc. etc. but the character relationships! The world! The darkness but still with some humor. Zuze! What isn't there to love?

    Ooooh, more disagreement with your honorable mentions ;). I still haven't finished DT - I really ought to go back and reread from the start as I no longer quite remember what'd happened when I stopped... But Eternity Cure and Hallowed better than their predecessors? PSH PSH, Jen. If I wasn't convinced that this comment is already nearing the blogger limit of 4,096 characters, I would say more on them but for now, you just get pshed :D :D :D.

  5. I've only read one of these! I am seriously behind on sequels... no joke.

    Check out our Top Ten

  6. So you finished World After? SO HAPPY TO SEE IT ON THE LIST. I wanted to add it just because I know it'll be amazing but I didn't. I share many, many of the same titles on my list too. I was thinking the same thing--fantasy!

    My Friends Are Fiction's Top Ten Tuesday

  7. This is an awesome list. The one's I've read I LOVED and I have high anticipations for the other ones! Also, don't worry about rule breaking with TTT, I do it all the time ;)

  8. The Dead Tossed Waves. Through the Ever Night. Scarlet. The World After. And so on..and so on... I'd have those in my list too. Even though The World After hasn't been released yet, like you, I'm jumping the gun and assuming it will be awesome. Great list!

    1. Well, I *did* assume it would be awesome...but that was before I read it and found out it WAS completely awesome. I guess I'll post my review soonish, even though it doesn't come out until November.

  9. OOH, yes! Through the Ever Night was fabulous. That series is one of my favorites.
    Thanks for sharing, Jen!

  10. Well, well... great job on your FIRST top ten post, Jen!! :) I would have had trouble keeping it to only 10 too. ;)

  11. Cool list. Funny thing is I haven't read any of these.

  12. Oooh, I love Scarlet and The Crown of Embers! The Dead Tossed Waves was a really good one, too. Reading it actually made me like the first one even more.

  13. Scarlet! And Hallowed! I love them! This is a great list! I'm basically on the first book of most of these series, so I can't say about the rest of them! Great post!
    -Marianne @ Boricuan Bookworms

  14. Crown of Midnight and Days of Blood and Starlight are so, so good!! I can't believe I forgot Laini Taylor in my list. Booo me >.< I really need to get to Siege and Storm and Everbound soon! Haven't read your other picks, despite the series being so popular. Too many books, to little time :(
    Fab list :)

    My TTT

  15. Fantasy sequels and books in the same genre range really are the best :) I should probably stop nodding so much since I've had a headache all day, but SUCH A GOOD LIST! Scarlet, Through the Ever Night, Siege and Storm...and then the books I WANT to read such as Dark Triumph, Everbound, Crown of Midnight... :)

  16. Congrats on your first Top Ten! These are always fun. Some weeks I struggle to come up with ten, but this was not one of those times.

    We have very similar taste, because every book you've included is either on my own list or on my TBR. Can't wait for the next book in the Blood of Eden series!

    Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia

  17. I need that many honorable mentions as well, haha. Welcome to the top ten club!

    Here’s my TTT
