Friday, March 8, 2013

Judging a Book By Its Cover #17: A Kid's Perspective on Coraline by Neil Gaiman

Covers By Katie
Okay, so I totally stole this idea from Sara at Forever 17 Books, who got the idea from an article on Babble called Judging a Book by Its Cover: A 6-year-old Guesses What Classic Novels Are All About.  I just discovered her lovely segment, and I immediately requested forced my own four-year-old daughter Katie to provide me with some of her own cover art artwork and then asked her what she thought the book was about.

This week, Katie gave me her take on the following book:

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"Her's going away from her old house because her wants to see her old mom and dad a lot more.  And sometimes, she sees ghosts by her bed."

Cover Art

Coraline as envisioned by Katiebug

Okay, so we own the movie, so she kinda already knew the storyline, but she got a tad confused when she was telling me about it.  Still, it's been awhile since she's seen it, and I don't think we've ever read the book together, so I'm pretty proud that she remembers that much of it.

Have you read this book or do you plan to?  What do you think of Katie's guess at the premise?  

Did your little darling create a work of art based on a book this week? If so, be sure to link up with Sara over at Forever 17 Books.


  1. Muy buena entrada!!
    Adoro tu blog, el diseño es precioso!! Pásate por mi blog y si te gusta sígueme porfa!! Sería un honor para mi^^ Yo ya te sigo ;)
    Muchas gracias y un beso!!:)

  2. Katie did a great job! I have the book, but my kids are too scared to read if or watch the movie!

  3. What a great job! I can;t wait until my kids are juts a little older because I think they would really like this book.

  4. I haven't read this book or seen this movie! That picture is so good! Wow, what a great job. :)
