Friday, March 15, 2013

{Audiobook} Review: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith

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Title: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
Author: Jennifer E. Smith
Narrator:  Casey Holloway
Series: stand-alone
Publisher: Hachette Audio
Publication Date: January 17, 2012
Source: purchased
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Audible

Who would have guessed that four minutes could change everything?

Today should be one of the worst days of seventeen-year-old Hadley Sullivan's life. Having missed her flight, she's stuck at JFK airport and late to her father's second wedding, which is taking place in London and involves a soon-to-be stepmother Hadley's never even met. Then she meets the perfect boy in the airport's cramped waiting area. His name is Oliver, he's British, and he's sitting in her row.

A long night on the plane passes in the blink of an eye, and Hadley and Oliver lose track of each other in the airport chaos upon arrival. Can fate intervene to bring them together once more?

Quirks of timing play out in this romantic and cinematic novel about family connections, second chances, and first loves. Set over a twenty-four-hour-period, Hadley and Oliver's story will make you believe that true love finds you when you're least expecting it.

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight was an adorable read.  For the most part, it was light and fluffy and the whole story passed in the blink of an eye, much like the plane ride the story focuses on.  I don't think I enjoyed this quirky book as much as everyone else, but it was definitely fun, and it's definitely left me with the desire to pick up more of this author's work.

Maybe it was the narrator?  I don't think I've listened to anything narrated by Casey Holloway before, but I think maybe she brought just a tad too much melancholy to Hadley's character.  Sure, she's stuck inside her own head for a bit while the Oliver tried to coax her out, but I don't think that deserved such a despondent voice.  This review comes after my second listen, and I felt that way both times, so I don't think it's just me.  I did, however, love the voice and accent for Oliver.  He can be my plane buddy any day.  :)

The quirkiness of the characters was what really made this book enjoyable.  The story was cute and there were some awkward, cringe-worthy moments, but the characters really held my interest above all.  The novel is told from Hadley's point-of-view, but Oliver shines, as well.  It was interesting what bits of themselves they decided to share with each other and what information they refused to divulge, and it said a lot about each character.

I like where the book left off, with a sense of promise and hope, even if we don't get to see what the future holds for Hadley and Oliver.  The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight was highly entertaining, and I'm now even more excited to read This is What Happy Looks Like when it releases early next month. And it'll look so cute on my shelf right next to TSPoLaFS!
“Is it better to have had a good thing and lost it, or never to have had it?”

Rating:   photo 4-1.png


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed this audiobook! I really liked this book, but it's not one of my favorites.. AND OH MY GOODNESS. I'm so excited to have the second book next to the first one on my shelf - the covers are really pretty.

    1. Right...even though they're not related, I'm glad that the covers are matchy-matchy. :P

  2. I completely agree with you, this book was cute and fun but I didn't LOVE it as much as everyone else did. You think it might be because of the narrator, I believe that the author's voice just doesn't wow me, I read her next book and felt the same thing. Anyways, the whole airplane ride was SO cute, I really loved Oliver!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

    1. Yep, the airplane ride was the best part for me, too...that whole getting to know a stranger kind of intimately in such a short span of time thing. :) Sorry to hear that the voice wasn't any better for you in TiWHLL. :(

  3. I so, so loved this book! I really enjoyed the narrator. I can see where you thought she was too melancholy at times though. I'm so flippin' excited for This is What Happy Looks Like! I'm debating whether to get the audio or hard copy. Tough choice!! Who am I kidding... I'll probably get both! :P

    1. Ha, I already pre-ordered my hardcover and I'm hoping that I can get caught up enough to sneak it in next week so I don't have to get the audio, too. Lol.

  4. Aw, this sounds so cute, Jen! I've been eyeing this for awhile but your review hit on all the things that make it sound super appealing to me--light, fluffy, quirky, "blink of an eye--" all words a blogger with crammed shelves likes to hear, hah.

    I find it annoying when audiobook narrators overemphasize certain moods/charateristics, too. Although I ended up really liking the full-cast recording of GRACELING, and I liked the person voicing Katsa overall, I thought she was too harsh and overemphatic in certain scenes. Katsa was already so strong (and teetering on unlikeable at times) that that didn't really help.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. Huh. I only read Graceling, but I was considering picking up all the audio for that series and starting over since it's been so long. And what does it say about me that even though you didn't like the narrator, I'm still curious and want to see if I do? :P

  5. Great review. I loved this book.I read it, not listened and i know that sometimes it can make all the difference. It was a very short read for me and I really did love it. I definitely did get the same feel for Hadley, so I don't think it was just the narrator... She did tend to feel sorry for herself. I liked the romance, simple, sweet, hopeful. I think that is what made me fall in love with the book.

    1. Okay, glad it wasn't just me. And that I can give this narrator another try on something else. :P
