Thursday, November 15, 2012

Judging a Book By Its Cover #1: A Kid's Perspective on Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill

Okay, so I totally stole this idea from Sara at Forever 17 Books, who got the idea from an article on Babble called Judging a Book by Its Cover: A 6-year-old Guesses What Classic Novels Are All About.  I just discovered her lovely segment yesterday, and I immediately requested forced my own four-year-old daughter Katie to provide me with some of her own cover art artwork and then asked her what she thought the book was about.  (We don't have a nifty meme image yet, like Sara and Shawn, but we're working on it. :D)

Behold our first attempt:  Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill (which I review can be found here)

"I think it's about love or something."

Cover Art:
Meant to Be by Katiebug

So, what do you think of my little artist?  Isn't this the neatest way to bond over our love of books?!?  I mean, besides me actually reading them to her?  :P  And how astute is she?!?  This book is all about love!!!  :D


  1. awww, look at my little niece! she's so smart! what a fun thing to do together! she did an excellent job. so proud of her.

    1. She was pretty proud of herself, too...she wanted me to send the pic to you last night when she finished, but I said you'd see it today. =)

  2. Awwwwww! I am so glad you decided to do this too! The picture is adorable! And, 'I think it is about love or something' <--- LOL So perfect! :)

    1. was too adorable of an opportunity to pass up! :D Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Love how she captured all the beautiful colors of the cover in her drawing.
    I think you and Sara have some budding cover designers on your hands!

    1. I know! I'm hoping she makes me famous one day. :P

  4. This is the cutest thing ever! Love it!! Katie's got talent. :) Aubrey would have so much fun with this.

    1. You guys should do it! Katie really had fun...she would have had more fun if it hadn't been so close to her bedtime, though. She was getting ready to draw the clock tower but threw in the towel when I told her she had to get her jammies on for bed. =) She was getting ready to own that cover art, though. :D I'd love to see some of Aubrey's work. Hehe.

  5. Oh what a fun idea! I should get my four year old daughter to do this. I loved this idea. Thanks for sharing, Jenn!

    1. You should! I'd love to see all of our kids' artwork on the one big giant refrigerator gallery! :D

  6. Such a great idea! This is amazing! I just started book reviews on my blog along with a few other things like DIY Projects and Mommy tips and makeup reviews. I Hope you can come stop by and check it out and follow me back as well?

    1. Thanks...followed you back. Can't wait to see what you do with your blog. :)

  7. Aw, this was great! Katie did such a great job. I would love to do this w/my kiddos. They're way into art right now. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I feel bad, but I don't even know how old your kids are! :( But this was a fun little exercise and she's already excited for next week's post. :)

  8. This is so cute <3 I love it when children write letters the in the wrong way, like the N :D

    1. Me, too! I think she does alright for a 4yo, though. :P

  9. Love that! Its so adorable. :]

  10. Aw, so adorable!! Katie did such a great job! My son is still too young for this... but maybe some day! ;)

    1. Ha, Katie may not be quite old enough either...her focus waned around the time she was only 1/2 way through but she soldiered on. :P

  11. haha well it is about love or something! Great drawing! I just love kids perspective although my brother is 33 and he makes fun of YA book covers all the time. When I had him pick up The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer for me at the library when he was there he was like "I got your book about some girl under water" LOL

    1. Love it! I wouldn't have known what that book was about just looking at the cover either, though. :P
