Saturday, July 21, 2012

In My Mailbox #40

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

Um, so, I wasn't bad or anything this week, but I'm still not helping myself when I do this.  :0(  Maybe I should just face facts and admit that I'll never really get caught up.  But couldn't all of the wonderful authors out there just take a small break, like maybe a two-month vacation or something, just to give me a chance?  No?  Okay, well, then I need to figure out how to absorb the contents of a book by touch.  Or intravenously.  Something.

Alright, I'm done whining.  Sorry about that.  Here's the awesomeness that was delivered to me this week:

For Review:

Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff
Inbetween by Tara Fuller
Covet by Melissa Darnell
Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry


Hex Hall & Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins, audiobooks - a re-read was necessary for me to start Spell Bound but I don't have time for an actual re-read so this will have to do
Cinder by Marissa Meyer, audiobook - finally gonna see what all the fuss is about

So, at least some of my purchases (or re-purchases, since I already own the hardcovers, d'oh!) are for a good cause.  I'm desperate to read the last installment of Sophie's story.  Oh, how I've missed her snark!

Well, what did the mailbox faeries bestow upon you this week?  ;0)


  1. WOW, awesome books! I heard pushing the limits was really good. & I also got Stormdancer & Inbetween this week too!

    Happy Readings!
    Lisseth, My StS

  2. Pushing the Limits looks soooo good! Can't wait to hear your thoughts and I hope you enjoy the Hex Hall books. (:

  3. Loved Pushing The Limits!!! cant wait to read Covet and Cinder!

  4. I got Inbetween and Pushing the Limits as well this week! Can't wait to see your reviews.

    My IMM

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  5. Yay for Cinder! I hope you love it--I did! And such a great haul! I really want to read Stormdancer, and I need to get around to reading Hex Hall since it has been sitting on my shelf for a while now. I hope you love all these books!

  6. Totally spectacular books this week! I got Stormdancer too! I hope we both love it! And OHMYGOD Cinder!!! Ahhh!! I ADORE ADORE ADORED it! I hope you do too! ^_^ Pushing the Limits is also fabulous. Great week this week!! Enjoy all your new books ♥

  7. I received Stormdancer and Pushing the Limits for review this week too! I look forward to your thoughts on them both. :) Happy reading and thank you for sharing! :D

  8. I LOVED Pushing the Limits so I hope you love it too!!:) I also own Cinder but I must read it too! Hope you love it. Okay so I love my blog on your blogroll <3 ;) The only thing that I do not know how to operate on my blog lmao is my blogroll HAHA! I just do not know how to add those buttons! A couple weeks ago my friend Mariya was helping me add some buttons and she was supposed to add yours to my blog, but I think she didn't see it because your blog and a couple others are missing, but I'll have yours added to mine this week because I thought yours was already there;) Anyways now that I'm done rambling, I hope your having a wonderful weekend. :)

  9. Wow nice haul! I'm sooo jelous of Pushing the Limits. It looks amazing and I want a copy soooo bad! I've heard that Cinder is really good too. Enjoy your books!! :)

    ~Emily@Emily's Crammed Bookshelf

  10. I've heard great thing about Hex Hall. I'll have to get them at some point. Nice Haul!

  11. You got great stuff -- I'm real intrigued by Inbetween.
    Loved Pushing the Limits, Cinder, and the Hex Hall series!
