Saturday, April 21, 2012


In My Mailbox #28

Saturday, April 21, 2012 with 12 comments

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

So, this week's mailbox didn't yield a lot of spoils, but that's okay because honestly, I have a lot of reading to catch up on as it is.  I'm weak, and every new addition to my library makes me reconsider my next read, even though I have a schedule I'm supposed to be working by.  However, I have won a couple of contests recently, and I expect those winnings to land on my doorstep any day now.  :)

That said, here are the books I received this week:


Um, so, Audible had another sale.  And, so, I...uh...picked up another four audiobooks.  This wouldn't be a big deal if I didn't already own hardcopies of two of the four I purchased.  *sigh*  But if I don't listen to the audio, who knows how long it will be before I get to read these!?!

Supernaturally by Kiersten White
A Need So Beautiful by Suzanne Young
Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon
Eve by Anna Carey

What goodies did you find in your mailbox this week?  Share them in the comments!


  1. OOO! I love Paranormalcy! Enjoy all your new books!
    My MM!

  2. I wanted to buy Eve when I was last time shopping, but i bought Starcrossed instead. Now, I wish i bought Eve.
    Enjoy reading these! :)

    Drop by my IMM? :)

  3. Nice mailbox! I can't wait to read Eve and Supernaturally. Unfortunately, I've read and hated the other two so...:( but I do hope you enjoy them.

    Emily@Emily's Crammed Bookshelf

  4. I have Eve on my Nook and have yet to click on it, sigh... your other books all look and sound great too!
    I have only tried to listen to one audiobook and two things happen - the narrators voice was very annoying, and I couldn't make it loud enough for me to do dishes or vacuum, lol!
    I hope you enjoy listening to your books :)

    Here's my IMM:

  5. Great books this week!! I got A Need So Beautiful last week!! Heard good things!

  6. Supernaturally is just plain awesome! A Need So Beautiful will totally fill you with raw emotion by the end of the book. Awesome haul!=D

    Drop by my IMM?

  7. Yay for Audible sales! I still haven't read any of those because I'm a horrible slacker. Enjoy your books, Jen! Have a great week!

  8. Great Books this week! Eve is something I really want to read.

    My IMM

  9. All of those covers are so pretty! I need to read Supernaturally too. Hope you enjoy all your books!

  10. I had no idea there were so many books available in audio... I wonder how much work I would get done if I listened to books there :P Booky sales are evil, aren't they? :D

  11. I need to read "a need so beautiful" sitting on my shelf. story of my life. lol.

    yay for book sales! :0)

    Oh and while i'm here on your blog.. dosab update....

    I spoke to a girl who did the most gorgeous drawing of Brimstone, and she gave me permission to use it in my trailer. I just heard back from her so I can really start getting some work done. I was kinda stuck on that, because using the picture would take the whole trailer in a different direction as far as how I would put it together.. I'll keep you posted! I'll be emailing you some snap shots by this weekend! thank you so much again! and I'll be mailing your book back real soon! <3


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