Friday, March 2, 2012

Uncovered - 3/2/12

Oh, the pretties!!!

Reached by Ally Condie, due out 11/13/12
Starling by Lesley Livingston, with a release date of 8/15/12
Rift by Andrea Cremer, scheduled for release on 8/7/12

I think out of these cover reveals, I'm most excited about Reached.  Crossed, the second book in Ally Condie's dystopian trilogy took a little while to grab my attention, but once it did, I was enthralled.  I can't wait to see what's in store for Cassia, Ky, and Xander.

Starling has piqued my curiosity.  I haven't read anything by Lesley Livingston, but I've been told that her Wondrous Strange series is one I should pick up.  Thoughts?

I'd like to say I'm super-excited about Rift, the prequel novel to the Nightshade series by Andrea Cremer, but after someone ruined Bloodrose for me on Goodreads, I'm finding it difficult to even pretend to be interested.  I liked Nightshade, then I forced my way through Wolfsbane, but because of the spoiler, I haven't even cracked Bloodrose open.  Some tell me I shouldn't even bother.  Would you?

So...which one of these cover reveals has you most excited?


  1. EEEP! Reached!!! That’s such a nice cover, although Red would have been the last color I would have expected for the final bubble cover. Oh well, it’s going to be fantastic! :D Thanks for sharing!

    Darlene @ Leather Bound and Lovely

  2. I do like those covers. Starling is gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing, Jennette!
