Friday, October 28, 2011

TGIF #14 - Spooktacular Reads

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at GReads!  In this weekly feature, Ginger poses a question to her followers and then asks everyone to link up at the end of the post, sharing their responses.

This Friday's Question:

Spooktacular Reads: Which books do you consider festive Halloween reads? Which stories have chilled you to the bone?

Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna #1)Hmmm...I don't read many ghost stories or scary stories period these days, but I read Anna Dressed in Blood earlier this year, and it actually, really, honestly gave me nightmares.  I don't think I've ever read a ghost story that truly gave me the chills...until Anna that is.  In real life, I totally believe in ghosts and the supernatural.  But when it comes to reading, it takes a lot to convince me a ghost is really scary.  So, I was very surprised when I read Anna...and I've been recommending it to everyone ever since, including you.  Check out my review if you don't believe me.

The Haunting of Cabin 13But before discovering Anna, I used to read Goosebumps and The Haunting of Cabin 13.  Yes, these are meant for a younger reader, but I loved them way back when, and I still get a kick out of them now. 

The Name of the Star (Shades of London, #1)I'm not much for haunted houses and such these's more about trick-or-treating with the kiddo and carving pumpkins now.  But I still love a good scary story.  Too bad they're so hard to come by, at least for me.  Got any you'd like to recommend?  I'm talking give-you-nightmares, sleep-with-the-lights-on, what-was-that-noise kind of scary.  Yeah, got any of those?

I do, however, have The Name of the Star up next on my TBR pile.  I've heard great things and can't wait to start it!


  1. I haven't read Anna Dressed in Blood yet, but I've heard that it gets a little scary! I sometimes can get a little jumpy during books. It really depends on what it's about though - ghosts are something I usually find more frightening than anything else really. Sometimes dystopians can honestly scare the crap out of me - just because some of those things COULD REALLY HAPPEN! ;) Aaaahhh! Must read Anna soon! I have Name of the Star on my shelf right now! I have tons of reading to do this weekend!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

    Liza @ Book Crook Liza

  2. Oh my gosh, Goosebumps was one of my favorite series as a kid! Loved those!
    I've seen the other two all over the blogosphere and I really want to read them! Great picks :]

  3. Geeze, EVERYONE is listing Anna Dressed in Blood, lol. I have it on my nook. Feel like I'm behind the times in reading it! Happy to see you thought it was scary though...really want a good scary read for this weekend.

  4. I'm the girl who HATES haunted houses at Halloween time, yet I always end up in them. Why??!!! I really want to read Anna Dressed in Blood - especially after all the book rec's this week for it.

  5. Nice!! You know I love Anna. I've rec'd that to everyone also. Hmmmm, I bet my lil one would LOVE the Goosebumps series. Thanks for the heads up!

  6. I used to read the Goosebumps, Point Horrors, watch Are You Afraid of the Dark and Stephen King movies as a kid! But now.. *shudder* no thanks. ._.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, new follower. :)
    Once Upon A Time

  7. The name of the star looks so awesome to me! Very cool blog btw!! :)

    Lah @ LazyGirl Reads

  8. Anna Dressed In Blood is one I haven't read yet and even though it gave you nightmares, I still will read it soon! It sounds great (and freaky!)

  9. I haven't read Anna yet, but I'm fully aware I should soon! And I was a Gooesbumps fan as well - I totally went fangirl when RL Stine answered my question on Twitter today!

    And I really loved The Name of the Star. It had such a large creepy factor for me (but I'm a scaredy cat so that's really no surprise), but it was really good!

  10. Anna was SUCH a good read! I have The Name of the Star, and I'm hoping to get to it soon. Now I'm really looking forward to it. :)

  11. I agree Anna had me holding my breath on several occasions!
