Friday, October 7, 2011

TGIF #11

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at GReads!  In this weekly feature, Ginger poses a question to her followers and then asks everyone to link up at the end of the post, sharing their responses.

This Friday's Question:

To-Be-Read's: How big is your pile? Which book keeps getting pushed down the stack, but you keep meaning to read it? 

This question makes me feel like I do when the in-laws are coming for a visit.  You know how you have to rush around cleaning and making everything perfect before they get there?  Same goes for my TBR pile.  I want to clean it up before exposing it to you guys because that thing is a mess right now!

Currently, it consists of quite a few ARCs I've acquired recently and not yet had time to read because of the moves (yes, plural...see this post for explanation).  Then there's all the books that have recently been released that I've also not found the time for.  And, of course, my Nook is full of books I've not yet read.  I work full-time and I have a three-year-old, so sometimes it's hard to find the time to fully engulf myself in the worlds of my books, but I think I do alright balancing everything for the most part.

Except that darn TBR pile*.  Seriously, I probably have close to 100 "real" books and ARCs still packed in boxes, waiting to be read.  There's probably another 20 on my Nook.  But now that we're in a house and I have my office back, I have more space (read:  I get a bigger bookshelf!) so I plan to get them all unpacked this weekend, and I think I'm going to put them in order of how I want to read them.  Wait, that plan has fail written all over it.  I'm never in the mood to read what I thought I'd want to read next.  (Does that ever happen to you?)  Plus, I have several more new releases queued up in my B&N cart, waiting for me to click that little button and make them mine.

I say this all the time, and I think the hubs is starting to agree with me, but I have a real problem.  There's no way I'm going to get through all these books.  Or is there?  I have some vacation time stored up.  Maybe I take a reading vacation, without the hubby or kiddo to distract me?  That actually sounds pretty appealing.  And it's a cheap vacation.  :)  But I digress.

You know what else slows down my reading progress?  Actually reviewing the books I read.  Don't get me wrong, I love to review and discuss and get others' reactions to the books I've read.  But I think I could get through my TBR pile 20% faster if I didn't review the books afterward.  I say this because I tend to agonize over what I want to say in my reviews.  But I love doing this, so no use whining about it, right?  Right.

Ashes (Ashes Trilogy, #1)As for a particular book that keeps getting pushed down further in the pile, there are several for me, but most recently, it would have to be Ashes by Ilsa J. Bick.  I fully intended to read this book the day it came in, but I spent most of September packing, so it got pushed to the way-side.  I wish I could say it's going to be my next read, but I don't think that's going to happen either.  Before Ashes, there was Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins, though I did finally read that AND Demonglass recently, so at least there's that.  But I've yet to write up my reviews for them.  Ha!  And I was so engrossed in them that I didn't even take notes.  Oh noes!

Oh, well.  I'll just consider it an accomplishment to get my books unpacked this weekend.  And it'll be a bonus if I get to read and/or review any of them.  :)

How's your TBR pile lookin' these days?  Does it make you want to pull your hair out or do you enjoy having more books than you know what to do with?

*Approximations listed in this post do not include books I want to read but do not own yet.  For that behemoth, check out my Goodreads profile.  And have a good laugh cause that TBR pile is insane!

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