Friday, September 9, 2011


TGIF is hosted by Ginger at GReads!  In this weekly feature, Ginger poses a question to her followers and then asks everyone to link up at the end of the post, sharing their responses.

This Friday's Question:

Books to Television: Which books would you love to see made in to a tv series? Or movie? 

Divergent (Divergent, #1)It seems that every book I read or add to my TBR has already been snatched up for movie rights or it's at least in the works.  Two that come to mind immediately are Divergent and Blood Red Road, both of which were optioned for movies before they were even released into the wild.  Divergent was picked up by Summit.  (You know, the one that put out those sparkly vampire movies based on Stephenie Meyer's series?)  And Blood Red Road is on its way to even more awesomeness after having been optioned by the legendary Ridley Scott.  (Just thinking his name makes me want to watch Bladerunner for the millionth time.)

Blood Red Road (Dustlands, #1)So, I find myself hard-pressed to imagine a book I'd love to see optioned for tv or film that isn't already in the queue.  Therefore, I will forego research (gasp!) and just give you a run-down of some books made of awesome that would be just as awesome on the big screen, or little screen in some cases.

Books that would make great movies:

- The Curse Workers series by Holly Black
- The Forest of Hands and Teeth trilogy by Carrie Ryan
- Eon & Eona by Alison Goodman

Series I would love to see on tv:

- The Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent
- Vampire Academy/Bloodlines books by Richelle Mead

For the most part, series with more than a few books make for better tv shows than movies in my opinion, but there are exceptions, like Harry Potter.  And sometimes the big budget of the movie industry enhances the quality of a project, so for some series, like those with serious action throughout, it makes more sense to go straight to the silver screen.

Sometimes it's scary to find out a favorite book is heading to the big screen.  As a book, it was open for interpretation.  As a movie or show, you're seeing just one person's vision.  That's never ruined a book for me, but I can't say it hasn't altered my perspective at times.  It's kind of like watching a favorite childhood movie as an adult and realizing it's kind of lame now.  At least for me.

But all seriousness aside, you know what the best part of all the speculation of books being turned into movies is?



  1. I did not know that about Blood Red Road! I have it on my shelf to read, I need to get to it soon! I agree with you about the casting polls, they are so fun to do! I think they are also important, the wrong casting can really mess up an adaptation!

  2. I haven't read that many Dystopias yet, but I think they all would make badass movies. As for the tv series..TOTALLY agree with your choices :) New follower!
    Amy's Friday Memes

    Check out my Summer Favorites Giveaway!

  3. Wow, I have to agree with all of your choices. Why didn't I think of those?!

  4. New follower here hopping through!

    I love to daydream about the perfect cast for the books I'd love to see on screen.

    Here’s my TGIF

  5. Great list of books to film. It reminds me that there are a lot of great books that I haven't read yet!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by.

  6. It deeply saddens me that I have barely read any of the books you listed BUT I am still very new to the Dystopian world! Divergent is one that I have read and I seriously would love to see that one as a film. Also, Across the Universe would be pretty freaking cool!
