Saturday, June 18, 2011

Passion (Fallen, #3)I love the intense romance and uniqueness of the angel lore in the Fallen series by Lauren Kate, so I was ecstatic when I realized that she was doing not one but TWO signings in my area this weekend.  So, I loaded up my three-year-old daughter and we headed to Allen this morning, along with my complete set of Lauren's works, obviously, in order to attend the second signing.

Lauren was so sweet and so gracious.  She signed all of my books, chatted with my cutie-pie, and even posed for a pic with said cutie-pie (see below).  Not only that, she signed an extra copy of Passion for me.  And since I like to spread the love so much, I'm going to offer up my extra SIGNED copy in my very first giveaway when I reach 50 followers!  So please help spread the word about the blog because as soon as I reach that goal, I'll post the giveaway here, and then you'll have your shot at a signed copy of the third book in this amazing series, which was just released on 6/14!

Lauren Kate & future fangirl  :0)


  1. Very cute blog and daughter! :D

  2. Even though I haven't read Passion (YET!) I know it's going to a be an epic book! Because Fallen and Torment were ah-maze-ing!


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