Saturday, July 20, 2013

In My Mailbox #91

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a weekly meme where we all get to brag about the books and swag we got in the mail, for review, won in contests, etc.

After the massive haul last week, I probably didn't need any new reads.  Such is the life of an obsessive bibliophile, is it not?  Think this calls for some lovely outdoor reading this weekend.  =)  Here's what we got this week...

For Review:

Erased (Altered, #2)All Our YesterdaysThe Liberator (Dante Walker, #2)The Defiance (Brilliant Darkness, #2)

click on covers to be taken to the Goodreads page for each book

Erased by Jennifer Rush - You guys! I read this book in record time after getting it from ATW Tours. It was seriously THAT good. So action-packed. So full of hawt guys. And oh, the unabashed shipping! I can't even...

All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill - So, I was interested in this but not enough to request it initially. And then all those awesome reviews started pouring in, and my interest in this book increased ten-fold. So when the opportunity arose to read it via ATW Tours, I jumped on it. I started it yesterday, and it is SO worth the hype.

The Liberator by Victoria Scott - You knew this was coming, right? I had so much fun with The Collector that I couldn't pass up the chance to read the sequel for the tour that starts later this month. :)

The Defiance by A.G. Henley - I was really surprised by how much I loved The Scourge. I love zombies, but they were handled so differently in that book. I can't wait to rejoin this world and see how Peree and Fennel are fairing.

So, that's our haul.  How about you?  What did you get this week?

The Week in Review:


Movie Reviews:  Snow White and the Huntsman

Current Giveaways:  The Summer of Love Giveaway Hop hosted by Jen @ YA Romantics starts on Monday!!!

Promotional/Discussion Posts:  SYNC's 2013 Week 8 offerings are up for download, with Grave Mercy and Hamlet up for grabs this week -- FOR FREE!

Jen's Currently Reading/Listening:

All Our YesterdaysI have super high hopes for this book.  Super high hopes.

And I'm in between audiobooks right now.  Kept hoping Left Drowning would be added back on Audible, but no luck so far.  :(

Mendy's Currently Reading/Listening:

45 Pounds (More or Less)
Stolen: A Letter to My Captor
Yeah, didn't get this finished up before release, but I think we're going to give away our ARC whenever I do finish.  :)

I didn't realize this was a story within a story. So far so good, though.

The Week Ahead:

Reviews:   One Tiny Lie (audio), Truth or Dare, All Our Yesterdays

Coming Soon! Sign up to host a summer giveaway!

Summer Giveaway Blog Hops

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Like honest reviews & giveaways?  Be sure to follow us on Bloglovin' so you never miss out!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!


  1. Eppp, I'm so excited for All Our Yesterday! Can't wait to see what you think about it :)
    Hope you'll enjoy it! I have a sky-high expectations too for that book, seeing many people seems to adore it :D

    Neysa @ [B.O.O.K.L.I.F.E]

  2. Very nice. I didn't get a lot this week. I think it's sometimes about quality not quantity.

    Books of Love

  3. I'm a slight spaz over the anticipation of hearing The Liberator. I may have to bump it right to the top. :D

  4. Really nice haul. Happy reading :)


  5. There will never be enough books, Jen! I hope you enjoy yours.

  6. So many pretty books this week. I'm actually jealous it is cool enough where you live to read outside. I'd melt if I attempted that lol.

    Weekly Wrap Up

  7. Enjoy! I'll be looking forward to reading The Liberator.

  8. I'm definitely excited to read All Our Yesterdays. It's getting some great early reviews and I love that cover. Great haul!

  9. Great haul! I can not wait to see what you think about All Our Yesterdays!

    My Friends Are Fiction

  10. Can't wait to read The Liberator! And omg Erased!!!!!!
