Monday, April 15, 2013

Starry-Eyed Updates

Guys!  Guys!!!  You may have seen a couple of changes in the sidebar recently, but in case you didn't...The Starry-Eyed Revue has a new contributing writer!  A little back story, and then you can meet her:

So, I feel like I haven't been the best blogger recently.  I don't get around as often to visit everyone and I don't respond to comments as quickly as I used to.  And I'm sorry about that.  But I'm one person.  I have a full-time job and I'm mother to a rambunctious 5 year-old.  And, I'm sure some of you might agree, sometimes this blogging thing can feel like a full-time job itself.  Mind you, I still enjoy it, but it takes a lot of work.  Especially when you're an overachiever like me and you tend to stretch yourself thin with too many projects, tours, etc.

So, I enlisted the help of my (slightly) younger sister.  It took some coaxing -- and begging and I may have promised things -- but she finally relented.  =)  Mendy is pretty new to the reviewing aspect of this blogging thing, but she's just as passionate about books as I am, and I just know that'll shine through in her posts once she gets going.

Needless, to say, I am super excited about this news!  Mendy's my sister, my best friend, and now she's my co-blogger!  Even Stefon's excited!  =)

Here's a little more about Mendy in her own words:

Hi. I’m Mendy, Jen’s lil sis.

Up until about a year or so ago, I hadn’t read much since high school. All those wretched, forced-to-read books really did a number on me. Then, here comes J (I will never get used to calling her Jen) with her fancy Hunger Games trilogy. I thought, “Oh, fine. I’ll read the first few pages of the silly book as proof that I just don’t like to read. Then, she’ll leave me alone about it.” Next thing I know, I’m sitting in my living room telling my boys to “Play nice,” “Stop being mean,” and “Just get along so Mommy can read!” Every chance I got in between doing dishes and helping with homework, I was reading about Katniss Everdean. It was that pivotal moment that I decided I DID like to read. I had just been so traumatized by books in high school, you see.

The rest is history. I owe my fondness of reading to my bookworm sis. Other than reading, I am very passionate about natural living. Once a self-proclaimed city girl who preferred the finer things in life, I now enjoy the more natural things in life (I find the finer things have harsh chemicals and GMO’s in I recently started a new blog in hopes of learning and growing with others who also enjoy natural living. J, look over there, is that the author of… (Okay, here’s my shameless plug for my blog Naturally Compelled - check it out!) What, J? Oh, sorry, I thought I saw Suzanne Collins. My bad.

Happy to be here!  =D

You can also find Mendy on:  add me on Goodreadsfollow me on Twitterfollow me on Pinterest

Look for Mendy's first review soon!!!


  1. lol the hunger games's just that awesome :D *started reading books because of thg too*

  2. Yayyy!!! Welcome to the book blogging world, Mendy!! So happy to hear you joined up with your sister. Jen and I enjoy a lot of the same books... and she's recently helped push me over the edge into my complete obsession with audiobooks. ;)

    I look forward to your upcoming reviews! :)

  3. Welcome to the community! I look forward to reading your reviews.

  4. Exciting! And what a fun things for sisters to share! Welcome Mendy!

    1. it IS pretty exciting! we have always done everything together, so why should blogging be any different? lol

  5. Oh my gosh! Hi Mendy, and welcome to the book blogosphere! *waves* Your sister Jen is one of my favorite people ever and I just know Starry-Eyed is going to be even more awesome with another contributor.

    Congratulations to you both! Can't wait to see the blog become even more dynamic. Although jeez, Jen, you call yourself "not the best blogger?" Your blog is way more active than mine, I always feel like such a slacker when I'm here, hah.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. Hi!
      J has always been very humble. I think her blog has always been pretty top notch. Happy to be a part of it!
      Thanks for welcoming me!

  6. It's so nice to hear that Mendy is joining your blog! Welcome! :)

  7. Welcome, Mendy! Looking forward to see you around the blogosphere. I'm sure you'll have fun blogging and meeting lots of new people.

    Charlie @ Letter Trails

  8. Yayyy! It's official! Welcome aboard, Mendy!
    (And gotta love the Stefon gif!) ;)

  9. I love it when bloggers bring in family to help out. Yes, I keep trying this and hoping for a joint post later this week.
    Loving the sisterly love (and tension) already!!!!

  10. Thank you all for making Mendy feel welcome!!! :D

  11. yay! Nice to have you aboard the review express. Can't wait to start seeing your reviews!

  12. What a great announcement! Welcome, Mendy!

  13. dude, I totally feel you, I wish I could get my cousin to blog with me. I can't keep up. done with tours.. not signing up for anymore. I have one scheduled for Monday and then that's it.. I'm reading what I want, when I want. well, and netgalley, I'll still use that, but it's not as much pressure as touring.

    Huge Welcome to your sister Mendy!! :0) I hope you have briefed her on the kind of comments I leave, I don't stop too often these days, but when I do I wont hold back. lol
