Saturday, February 9, 2019

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Lately I've been binge-watching Netflix and Hulu shows instead of reading all of the glorious books on my shelf that I've been wanting to read forever. And I've noticed that the more I do it, the less interested in reading I become! Ahhh! Sabotage! πŸ˜–

So without further ado, here are some of the shows that have been distracting me from my bookshelf and causing my reader heart angst, while also entertaining me in the best way. 

This is my most recent binge and I've got to say: first of all, I adore Natasha Lyonne. I've loved her since her American Pie days (Yes, I'm old) and everything she's ever in, is better for it. For instance, Orange is the New Black will always be one of my fave shows, and Natasha is fantastic in it.

Russian Doll is like an updated Groundhog Day, but better and definitely rated R. The show uses music fantastically. The song she hears every time she dies and comes back, 'Gotta Get Up' by Harry Nilsson, pulls you into her experience perfectly. Also, her friend saying, "Sweet birthday baby!" over and over again will be stuck in my head FOREVER.

I'm a huge fan, even though the last episode did leave me wanting a little more. I suppose though, that the best shows do. There are 8 episodes that are roughly 30 minutes long each. I recommend it highly! πŸ™Œ

Listen, first of all, I swear I'm not a Bundy fangirl, however I do watch a lot of true crime documentaries. I'm also a psych major, and with the movie coming out and all the controversy about it in general, I found myself curious. Most of this happened before I was born, so I didn't know much about him, so this Netflix series was educational and creepy. He was a truly disturbing person.

If you like true crime, you'll like this. It's just 4 episodes, each one about an hour long. It has a lot of info about how exactly he was able to get away with what he did for so long. It was truly a different era with technology and he was smart enough to find ways out of many situations, even escaping several times. It's chilling to see how much horror he inflicted and I'm glad to know he is no longer on this earth.

Okay, so The Resident is on Hulu, not Netflix, but I've had it on my watch list for awhile now. This show is a lot like most shows that are medical in nature, but I really love a lot of the actors. Matt Czruchy from Gilmore Girls, Emily VanCamp from Revenge, and Shaunette Renee Wilson from Black Panther; to name a few. 

This one is easy to get caught up in, with a great cast and interesting story lines. It focuses more on problematic issues in the medical field, as well as corrupt and dangerous people in power. To be honest, it's not anything terribly new, or groundbreaking, but I did enjoy it and will likely continue to watch as long as it airs. There are 28 episodes, at about 43 minute each to stream now if you need a new thing while you wait for your other favorite shows to return.

I watched this one after my sister (and fellow true crime fan), Samantha, recommended it. Mindhunter is about the early stages of serial-killer profiling. Two FBI agents interviewing and compiling data on notorious killers, so that they can better understand what kind of damaged psyche it takes for a person to commit violent murders and predict what suspects will do next. It's based on a true crime book, which I have not read, called Mindhunter: Inside the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit.

The cast is really incredible and it was fascinating to go back in time a bit and see a portrayal of life before psychology was taken seriously, or considered useful by investigators. There are 10 episodes that run about 50 minutes each and a second season is coming!

I watched this one a few months back after hearing so much about it and I'm so glad I did. You guys, this show is incredible. One of the best things I've ever watched. I tell people about it all the time and I'm constantly peer pressuring people to give it a try, even if they don't like scary things. I'm honestly already excited to watch it again because I'm still geeking out about it. πŸ˜

So, why should you watch it if scary isn't your typical thing? THIS FAMILY. You will love them and worry about them and be absolutely invested in their lives. The story flashes back and forth to when they lived at the house as children, to their lives in the present. Each person in the family experiences the house differently and the way each handles what they went through is absolutely dynamic and gripping.

Also, YES it is scary, at times, but also most of the time it's not. It's about these people; these unnervingly beautiful people (seriously.. every single one of them is super and you will be hooked from the first of its 10, hour-long episodes.

Have you seen any of these? Did you like them? Dislike them?

Also, please recommend your faves in the comments below!

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