Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Wow, I really haven't posted much lately. But I've been reading (and listening) a ton, while also taking time for family and friends. And while I feel like I read a lot more young adult novels this last month or so than I have in previous months, I think reading adult novels has made me a harsher judge of YA. I don't think I've ever rated so many books so poorly in such a short amount of time. I hope this means I'm becoming a better, more varied reader...and not just a snarkier one, lol.

And without further ado, here's what I've been reading lately...

(More on why I've gone to this format here in lieu of traditional reviews for each.)

Y O U N G   A D U L T

GeekerellaThe Only Thing Worse Than Me Is YouAlways and Forever, Lara Jean (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #3)Freedom's Slave (Dark Caravan Cycle, #3)Aimee and the Heartthrob

Geekerella - Such a cute and nerdy Cinderella retelling! And I loved the texty You've Got Mail vibe. I don't think I'll ever get tired of love stories like this. I hadn't really paid much attention to this book until I saw people raving about, but I'm so glad I gave it a chance because it was just so much fun. It was like every fangirl's dream come true. I did think that the narrator for Darien sounded a little too lofty when the audio started, but he really grew on me. And I'm glad I listened because the Southern accents were too precious, as were all - well, most - of the characters. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Only Thing Worse Than Me is You - The fandom references and general nerdiness were awesome, but I hated how predictable the book was. Still, it was cute overall and I think it painted the perfect picture of senior year for those at the top of the class, even if you don't go to a genius school. 🌟🌟🌟

Always and Forever, Lara Jean - Such a cute ending. So adorable. All the cuteness. 😍😍😍 x infinity 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Freedom's Slave - I like Heather Demetrios' contemporary novels immensely, and I even really enjoyed the first book in this series, but I should have stopped there. This book was too long by half and it suffers from the same horrible narrator as the previous book. So much happens and the reader is given little time to react before something else happens and the cycle starts anew. Also, the whole book focused on this person or that pining away for someone else, Nalia was a non-character for a big chunk of the book, and Raif was...not himself. Also, I miss Malek. I love a good redeemable villain and we should have had more page time with him. Rather a disappointment. I'm amazed I managed to finish... 🌟🌟

Aimee and the Heartthrob - I can't do it. I got to 30% and it's just not going to happen. Based on other reviews, maybe it gets cuter and more readable, but I'm not sticking around to find out. I've wasted enough time hoping for that already. This is obviously written for a very young young adult audience, and it's just not for me. DNF

The One Memory of Flora BanksScarlett Epstein Hates It HereWhatever Life Throws at YouThe Traitor's Kiss (Traitor's Trilogy, #1)The Crown's Fate (The Crown's Game, #2)

The One Memory of Flora Banks - This book was distressing AF to read. The story was so circular and disconcerting and it left ME feeling manic most of the time. I was constantly distraught for poor Flora and I wanted desperately for her to just be okay. Also, fuck Drake. But despite how utterly sad this book was, I felt almost hopeful by the end. 🌟🌟🌟

Scarlett Epstein Hates It Here - I am Scarlett. Scarlett is me. Seriously, I feel like I learned so much about myself from reading this book. Some hard truths, too. It was a funny, quirky, and at times, an awkward story, and I kind of adored it. I'd still like to know what her group thought of that last posting, though... 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Whatever Life Throws at You - This story had its moments, but generally speaking, it just felt like wish fulfillment and not based in reality AT ALL. I read a lot of fantasy, but at least when I'm reading that, I know it's fantasy and I don't have to suspend belief because of that fact. But the things that happen in this book are beyond belief. It's just such a perfectly wrapped package and I'll admit that it was fun at times and that it was compulsively readable despite its flaws, but in the end, I am just not the target audience. 🌟🌟

The Traitor's Kiss - At first I was excited to read this. Then I was kinda meh after reading some unflattering reviews. And then I was like, IDGAF I STILL WANT TO READ THIS. And I really enjoyed it. Is it perfect? Nope. But stories rarely are. Honestly, I liked the main character. I liked how her mind worked and how she interacted with the love interest. I didn't like how she didn't like being judged by the future brides but didn't hesitate to cast her own judgment. I enjoyed the military strategy and the ensemble cast, but I really could have used more world-building. And I'm still reeling from a death that I really, really could have done without. I found most of the story fairly predictable, and yet I still loved just how much of an evil villain mustache-twirler the bad guy was. As with all things in life, you can't have the good without the bad, and since this was such an entertaining read, I'm simply going to overlook the bad. Especially since this is the first book in a trilogy, but it felt like a stand-alone, so I won't have to feel bad if I don't continue with the series later. ;0) 🌟🌟🌟🌟

The Crown's Fate - I didn't exactly love The Crown's Game, mostly because it felt like a knock-off of The Night Circus, but I also didn't hate it. However, this sequel (finale?) left me very....underwhelmed. So much THE BORED. Like, I could not have cared less who was left standing at the end because they'd all made such a muddle of things and let things carry on for far too long. I think I preferred leaving things as they were at the end of the first book, so I'm just going to pretend like I never read this one. 🌟🌟

R E - R E A D S

To All the Boys I've Loved Before (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #1)P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before, #2)Blood Passage (Dark Caravan Cycle, #2)

To All the Boys I've Loved Before & P.S. I Still Love You - All the 😍 for Peter K! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Blood Passage - I really wanted to read the final book in this series since my library finally got a copy, so I downloaded Freedom's Slave and this book so I could do a quick re-read to refresh my memory. And then I remembered how much less I liked this sequel than the first book. Honestly, it was a trial to get through this one again, though I still maintain that has to do with the fact that I can't really tolerate Erin Mallon as a narrator. And I only did so for the sake of finishing another series. 🌟🌟🌟


A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #3)

A Court of Wings and Ruin -  🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

BEFORE reading:

AFTER reading: ACOWAR was: emotional. Fantastic. Twisty. Empowering. Familial. Surprising. Mind-blowing. Awesome. It was full of machinations, battles, and political maneuverings. Betrayals and heartbreak! Characters I didn't even know I really cared about until now!

In other words: it surpassed my expectations.

Undead and Unwed (Undead, #1)Undead and Unemployed (Undead, #2)Undead and Unappreciated (Undead, #3)Undead and Unreturnable (Undead, #4)

Undead #1-4 - Well, color me surprised! The cover of the actual book I read doesn't look like the one, it's 100 times worse. But I gave it a shot anyway because my friend/neighbor loves this series and let me borrow the omnibus of the first four books. I kept putting it off because a) it's a vampire book, of which I don't read much these days, b) it sounded super cheesy and the cover wasn't doing it any favors, and c) I am just really bad about reading books that are recommended to me, especially when they're foisted upon me like this, because I don't want to hate it and have to admit that to the person who recommended it. I'm so glad I finally gave the books a chance, though, after nearly two months of waiting because it was seriously funny. Betsy is snarky and loves shoes and she's just a regular girl trying to fit into the world of vampires. I didn't realize that there are fifteen books in the series, though...sheesh. And my library doesn't have ANY of them on audio. :( 🌟🌟🌟

Have you read any of these? What did you think? Find any new titles to check out? ;0)

Until next time! Happy reading!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Title: Words in Deep Blue
Author: Cath Crowley
Series: stand-alone
Publisher: Knopf BFYR
Publication Date: June 6, 2017
Source: ARC received from publisher
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Audible

Add to Goodreads
Years ago, Rachel had a crush on Henry Jones. The day before she moved away, she tucked a love letter into his favorite book in his family’s bookshop. She waited. But Henry never came.

Now Rachel has returned to the city—and to the bookshop—to work alongside the boy she’d rather not see, if at all possible, for the rest of her life. But Rachel needs the distraction. Her brother drowned months ago, and she can’t feel anything anymore.

As Henry and Rachel work side by side—surrounded by books, watching love stories unfold, exchanging letters between the pages—they find hope in each other. Because life may be uncontrollable, even unbearable sometimes. But it’s possible that words, and love, and second chances are enough.

I absolutely adore epistolary novels, but I've had exceptional luck with all of the pen-pal styled novels I've read so far this year. And that includes Words in Deep Blue. I mean, wow. I just might have loved this novel even more than Graffiti Moon, which is saying a lot because I love to re-read that one. I just didn't know a novel could break me and make me feel whole at the same time.

This story is beyond beautiful. Like a love letter to every book nerd out there, Words in Deep Blue pays homage to classics and contemporary favorites alike, all while taking place in a bookshop. And there's a secret sadness between the pages of some of the books in the Letter Library, one that left me open-mouthed and gasping for air, even knowing the end result. There is just so much to love between the pages of this book.

I loved the dual narrative and how Cath was able to capture each character's essence and make them feel completely genuine in their heartbreak. I loved the dynamic between Henry and Rachel, the second chance aspect...the will they or won't they? But most of all, I just loved that they got their friendship back on track, despite everything else. That's what this book felt like to me, more than anything else. Sure, it's about loss and love and growing up, too. But Henry and Rachel's relationship was the driving force of the book for me, and it was just so well-written.

I kind of ran the gamut of emotions while reading this one: sorrow, empathy, anger, jealousy, elation, and some more sorrow for good measure. But I've discovered that's kind of the way with a Cath Crowley novel. She makes you experience things on the same level as her characters and you'll be overjoyed to do so, even when they're in pain.

Re-reading has become a recent obsession, and I totally see myself diving back into this story again and again. That makes two Cath Crowley novels that are utterly re-readable. I haven't read A Little Wanting Song yet, but I imagine I won't be disappointed there either...


GIF it to me straight:

About the author:

Cath Crowley is an award-winning author of young adult fiction. Her novels include Words in Deep Blue, Graffiti Moon, Chasing Charlie Duskin (A Little Wanting Song) and the Gracie Faltrain trilogy. Cath is a freelance writer, manuscript assessor and teacher.

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